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Name: Diane
Location: Ohio
Submitted: December 13, 2024 12:35:25
Comments: Just listening to some favorites and like you live how things connect. "Hey there lonely girl" was one from my early pre-teen childhood, when we start turning to what does a boy really think of us. Such a sweet song and a beautifully sung song. Just perfect. Today's world allows me now to immediately research the singer and learn more about the awesome artist behind the song. Keep on keepin' on!

Name: Glen Miller
Location: Rhyl, North Wales United Kingdom
Submitted: July 05, 2024 15:34:28
Comments: Hi Eddie, caught you at the Rhyl pavilion theatre with the late David Guest Soul show here in Wales U.K a few years back, what a great show!, and being a huge northern soul fan I was excited to see you!, keep on going Mate!!...

Name: Sarah Lurae
Location: Norfolk, VA
Submitted: June 13, 2024 01:11:23
Comments: I am too young to have seen many of my favorite musicians perform live as time has gotten the better of them. I have been listening to Eddie for years & never knew he was from Norfolk. I didn’t know he was still performing & sadly missed his recent performances on the east coast this past spring/summer. I hope to get the chance to see him perform one day I would absolutely cry, please come to Norfolk Eddie!!

Name: allmusicman
Location: UK
Submitted: May 30, 2024 13:24:25
Comments: you are a true legend eddie...total respact for all your recorded material which i have...thanks for enriching my life god bless love always man!

Name: Anthony
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Submitted: May 11, 2024 00:36:32
Comments: I love you, Eddie!

Name: James
Location: Mesquite, Nevada
Submitted: April 11, 2024 23:12:12
Comments: I finally found your song "Lonely Girl" and the memories of my childhood came flooding back. It was such a lovely period of humanity. Thank you so much for your music and talent! God bless you!

Location: washington DC
Submitted: April 07, 2024 03:47:02
Comments: Watched you on 60s Pop Rock & Soul - amazing. Closed my eyes and could picture hearing you sing this when I was a kid and watched my parents dance to it - thank you.

Name: Sheri Magillacutty
Location: Ituna ,Saskatchewan
Submitted: January 25, 2024 20:55:01

Name: Nancy
Location: Cleveland Ohio
Submitted: January 09, 2024 18:25:14
Comments: You have a voice like an angel. Thank you for sharing this blessing with the world. When are you coming o Cleveland, Ohio?

Name: Cove
Location: New jersey
Submitted: October 27, 2023 15:46:01
Comments: spotify put on your song Four Walls while I was reading in class the other day, I have been completely obsessed and listening to that whole album since, thank u for the great music :)

Name: Jeanne Legault
Location: Seattle Washington
Submitted: October 08, 2023 21:38:31
Comments: Hi Eddie, so many happy memories of listening to your songs in the 60's! We are doing a radio show and are including your track, "Candy to Me," one of my favorites! Sending love!

Name: Dee Smith
Location: Baltimore,MD
Submitted: April 19, 2023 18:24:45
Comments: Here in Baltimore. Md lister to youo. 88.9 FM absolutely blown away. Ggot interest.never knew it was you. Please return to Baltimore so so I can get my ticket early. Nice to hesr soft relaxing music that really holds you attention, atlease forme.

Name: Carolyn Smith Moorman
Location: Dallas, TX USA
Submitted: August 05, 2022 19:58:26
Comments: I'm 64 years old, and I'm transported to sitting in the summer heat on my front porch yearning for something listening to local radio play this song. It's always been one of my favorites. Thank you so much!!! God bless!

Location: Welsley Chapel FL
Submitted: October 23, 2021 04:27:30
Comments: Just heard your interview on the Ali Hackett Show enjoyed it throughly. Great hearing your stories.

Name: Leon Dolgonovski
Location: Tampa, Florida
Submitted: October 13, 2021 03:26:33
Comments: I’m originally from Europe, what a beautiful voice and a great man in image of the Lord. Thanks for your music

Name: Patti OBrien
Location: Greendale. Wisc.
Submitted: September 27, 2021 02:03:58
Comments: Lonely girl is my theme song.Praying for God to send someone into my life!So glad to see that you love the Lord! He blessed you with a beautiful voice! Please come to Milwaukee someday! Patti

Name: Gary Kaplan
Location: Glendale, California
Submitted: August 13, 2021 01:50:33
Comments: Thank you Eddie for singing my favorite ballad in it's one-of-a-kind rendition., I'm thrilled to see 51 years later that you love the Lord and that your voice never aged.

Name: Nigel Silkstone
Location: West London in England
Submitted: April 24, 2021 20:30:54
Comments: Thank you for your music. Will you be coming to England in the future?

Name: Patrick green
Location: Palm springs California
Submitted: March 02, 2021 15:07:51
Comments: Hello sir thank you for bringing joy to my life with your music,just wanted to say hay and thank you my friend god bless you..

Name: Maria Pacheco
Location: Los Angeles
Submitted: February 04, 2021 21:08:36
Comments: your voice on "hey there lonely girl" still touches and inspires me as much as when I first heard it back in the 60's!! Thank you so much! Much love and good fortune to you!

Name: Charlene Pua Manoi
Location: Honolulu, HAWAII
Submitted: November 14, 2020 23:05:43

Name: Gloria Shea
Location: Brooklyn NY
Submitted: November 06, 2020 03:30:22
Comments: What a voice! Please keep me updated for future concerts. Ill be there!❤ ❤

Name: William Whitley
Location: North Carolina
Submitted: August 20, 2020 13:27:47
Comments: You have one of Best voice every. People don't sing anymore and it is a blessing just to hear pure unfiltered singing.

Name: Wendy Freeman
Location: Nevada
Submitted: June 18, 2020 23:54:54
Comments: I first heard Eddies, " I Love You" I think around 1969,at a club in San Francisco,The Rickshaw.I have to say ,it's one of my favorite songs,ever.Eddie's voice is beautiful,and haunting.

Name: Alan Rosen
Location: Arlington Heights, IL
Submitted: June 03, 2020 15:36:51
Comments: With Covid and now disruptions in America. I needed a smile. I saw a link to one of your in-concert videos, and after hearing you sing "Hey There, Lonely Girl" again, it was all I needed to keep me happy all day. Thanks, Eddie, and God bless you.

Name: Rosalina Messer
Location: Clovis, CA
Submitted: April 10, 2020 22:53:40
Comments: I'm so glad I was able to purchase 3 of your CDs. You have an amazing talent! So very thankful you love the Lord! I watched over and over online you singing Hey There Lonely Girl (at Apollo) and it was tremendous! That must have been an amazing night for you as well. Thank you for sharing your incredible, God-given talent!

Name: Jack Weiser
Location: Oil City, PA
Submitted: August 11, 2019 06:59:46
Comments: Tonight, I re-lived some magical moments by listening to several of your recordings. My wife Susie and I had the privilege of hearing you sing "Hey There Lonely Girl" many years ago at Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh. You appeared with Jimmy Beaumont and the Skyliners, and Johnny Angel and the Halos. We were truly mesmerized by your awesome voice. It was also refreshing to hear you humbly giving credit to our God as well. Thank you for all you do in not only living the Gospel but also for sharing it with others in so many ways. May God continue to Bless you in your work!

Name: Comedian/Actor Jay Mather
Location: Tualatin Oregon
Submitted: February 07, 2018 07:03:08
Comments: I will Never forget the Night it was a Night to Remember, as Eddie Blessed us with His Gift from God Singing Hey their Lonely Girl Amazing Falsetto

Name: Wellington Lopes
Location: Rio de janeiro , Brasil
Submitted: January 31, 2018 16:32:11
Comments: graça e paz de Cristo Jesus! há muito tempo ouço, suas melodias, principalmente garota Solitária (Hey There Lonely Girl), pergunto ao amado irmão es pastor Evangélico, Wellington

Name: Barry & Ginny
Location: UK
Submitted: October 23, 2017 20:28:53
Comments: Wonderful to see you at Northampton on 21st, still hitting those notes up into the sky. Love and best wishes to you and your family.

Name: Jacqui McCall
Location: DC
Submitted: October 09, 2017 16:12:27
Comments: Sending you warm thoughts of piece and blessings. Your music has put so much joy in my life since I was a young girl in high school. O am so pleased to hear that you continue to entertain and light up the world with your wonderful, wonderful voice!

Name: Bernie Basso
Location: Ironwood, MI
Submitted: August 17, 2017 19:51:12
Comments: Just say you sing Lonely Girl on PBS last night. Your voice is timeless and is just as strong as it was when you were younger. Amazing, you brought back memories and emotions. Thank You!

Name: Richard & Jan Logan
Location: Lynchburg, Tennessee
Submitted: August 15, 2017 13:59:51
Comments: Love your music and especially appreciate your faith in God and how you give Him the glory for your talent. God bless you.

Name: Steve Cannon
Location: Scranton, Pa.Steve Boom boom
Submitted: June 06, 2017 05:56:45
Comments: As a 40 plus year veteran of the Radio business,I would like ver much to say You ahve brought me lots of delight, and to my late wife as well. Our Mutual friend Fr. Jim Drucker "The Doo Wop" preist" and I remember you fondly. My wife made sure that when a T.J. Lubinsky show that you were on, was on TV, we were sure to be watching. Hpoe to some day get a chance to say hello face to face. Yours Truly, Steve Cannon

Name: Kirk
Location: Chicago
Submitted: May 29, 2017 03:58:33
Comments: I'm in my 60's but every time I hear "Lonel Girl" I just get chills. This record helped bring R&B and Disco into an era that this crappy rap-house noise will never be able to touch. Your music is about being with that special someone in your life. It doesn't get any better than that. Your music is clear and precious. May God bless Eddie Holman because he helps to bring the races together in harmony.

Name: Ray Pusey
Location: Pembrokeshire west Wales UK
Submitted: April 08, 2017 11:28:15
Comments: Eddie,Eddie,Eddie, what can I say! what a gift god gave you!! takes me straight back, a young lonely boy at the disco freightened to ask a girl to dance to your lovely song/voice. But now at the age of 58 and if I'm at a function (wedding etc) and there's a DJ I ask for your song to be played so I can dance with my wife, I get a perplexed look, they then play that tune and I can see they know where I'm coming from, it's what I call a "dance floor filler" everyone gets upto dance "nice and slow" So thankyou Eddie, thankyou for not making this "boy" so lonely, god bless you my freind, hope you are well,and still singing ( I bet you still hit those high notes ) Ray.

Name: Lynda
Location: Norfolk, United Kingdom
Submitted: April 02, 2017 05:40:04
Comments: I was on YouTube when I saw your song hey there lonely girl listed which I watched..wow it took me right back to my youth when this was my all time favourite love song. I am going to be 60 this year so it's quite some time back..I still have this song on a single vinyl that I bought back in the early 70's...a much treasured possession. Lovely to visit your website and see you are still going strong. Especially in a week when we lost the wonderful Clem Curtis RIP. My dream is maybe you will come back to the UK and perform at the Motorhome shows run by Warners that we go to each year where lots of the stars from yesterday perform....take care Eddie..god bless you..xx

Name: Patty
Location: New Jersey
Submitted: March 20, 2017 14:31:31
Comments: Wow-one of the most amazing voices ever-You surely have a gift- Enjoy your music.

Name: Eileen
Location: Pennsylvania
Submitted: March 18, 2017 06:14:40
Comments: Watching the Solid Gold and Hall of Fame performances tonight. What a gorgeous voice and a timeless song. So glad to hear you sing and hold those notes! All the best.

Submitted: March 09, 2017 21:22:35
Comments: Hi Eddie, I love Hey there lonely girl. It is my aunts favourite song of all time, my uncle sings it for her. He is a good singer so he does it well for you. I would love a signed photo if possible as it is their ruby wedding anniversary this year. Thought it would be a wonderful, personal gift.

Name: Robin Lee Chapman
Location: Spokane, Washington
Submitted: February 24, 2017 08:20:24
Comments: My first cousin Bobby Hart would be proud to see you have kept your voice in such great shape,,Good job Eddie,,,,We love your soul from the all American City Spokane!!!Remember Boyce and Hart? Hurts so bad!! I could see you singing that one also!!! Love ya!!! Thanks for the memories,,,

Name: Steve Price
Location: Huntington, New York
Submitted: January 27, 2017 03:55:30
Comments: Congratulations Eddie. I,m originally from England so as well as your better known recordings, I,m a huge fan of your Northern Soul tracks. Eddie,S My Name. Hurt and many more. As well as writing She's Wanted In Three States for Larry Clinton....unbelievable!!!!! Can't wait to see you at Westbury in Sept...keep the faith

Location: TEXAS
Submitted: December 31, 2016 03:06:51
Comments: Whew! The Lord blessed me with discovering you on YouTube while I was searching a song... and heard the blessed gift of voice God gave to you... and then heard the Praise Songs... and I had to share you on Facebook with all my Friends. God bless you for being His faithful servant and trustworthy steward of the riches of His grace! 1John3:23

Name: Alma Adamez-Randle
Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota
Submitted: December 07, 2016 16:41:28
Comments: Heeo Mr. Holman,thank you for sharing your wonderful voice with the world. It is truly angelic!

Name: Mary D Townsend
Location: Renton Washington
Submitted: November 21, 2016 02:22:53
Comments: I love your song "Lonely Girl," and the way you sing that song with such style and finess.

Name: Christine Hunter
Location: scotland
Submitted: November 13, 2016 22:41:09
Comments: Just listening to some of your performances tonight on play tiube , what a fantastic voice ! Just a quick note to say thankyou ! Tonight making reminisce , hope you are well xxcz

Name: Ryan Roth
Location: Englewood, Ohio
Submitted: October 05, 2016 05:31:57
Comments: Eddie, I just want to take a second to tell you just how much joy I feel when I watch and hear you perform your song and hit that note. Thank you for sharing not only the gift of music but also the gift of yourself with us. Ryan

Name: Jimmy green
Location: Portsmouth,hampshire,u/k.
Submitted: September 21, 2016 14:23:24
Comments: Hi Eddie,many thanks for the years of great soul music and the splatterings of gospel thrown in.Fond memories of my early djing days when hey there lonely girl was the tune on everyones lips and most played by far by many d/js.Looking forward to seeing you live at Skegness 23rd sept 2016.Great respect from this side of the pond sir.Many thanks for many years of bliss.Yours Jimmy g.

Name: John hearson
Location: Bradford England
Submitted: September 20, 2016 20:23:19
Comments: Looking forward to seeing you at the Skegness weekender Eddie 👍

Name: Anna Fisher
Location: Keatchie, La.
Submitted: September 11, 2016 15:10:44
Comments: I love your song, Hey, there lonely girl. I cried last night when I heard you sing it, I have always loved it. Thanks for sharing it with LPB.

Name: Mary Abrego
Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Submitted: September 09, 2016 08:00:16
Comments: Mr Holman, your song 'I love you' is so beautiful. Thank you for so many wonderful memories. God Bless You.

Name: Patricia Onakoya
Location: Washington, DC
Submitted: September 07, 2016 23:14:16
Comments: Your music still pull on my heart.

Name: Brian Cannon
Location: New york
Submitted: September 06, 2016 02:19:58
Comments: Love you Eddie,you are the greatest singer God every created.All the best my friend.'

Name: Nige Vann
Location: Leicester, England
Submitted: August 09, 2016 09:09:37
Comments: Hey Eddie, so looking forward to seeing you in September at Skegness, England. You sir are truly a legend :D

Name: Dee Burks
Location: United States
Submitted: June 26, 2016 18:29:11
Comments: Eddie, Eddie, Eddie! just saw you on the R&B 40, WTTW, ChanneL 11 in Chicago. You still got it! You sound the same as the record. How much do you charge to do a performance in Chicago?

Name: Roy Barlett
Location: Beaver,pa
Submitted: June 14, 2016 02:50:13
Comments: Rev Holman , an old Nam vet who was in Vietnam in 1970.I heard your song Hey There Lonely Girl many times on AFVN radio.Tonight on PBS , you brought tears to my eyes. God Bless You M

Name: HL Webber
Location: PORTLAND, OR
Submitted: June 13, 2016 07:52:07
Comments: Holy Smokes...you voice is amazing. No wonder your wife has been happy for 41 years. Just sing and the world becomes a better place. Please keep being on PBS.

Name: Gary Whitcutt
Location: Puget Sound, WA
Submitted: June 11, 2016 05:57:27
Comments: Reverend, I've been watching a special on PBS and was so impressed by your current rendition of "Hey there, Lonely Girl", I just wanted to thank you for sharing your voice with the world.

Name: Antoinette Jackson
Location: Tampa, Florida
Submitted: June 06, 2016 03:56:12
Comments: Stellar performance on R&B 40's. My husband and I so appreciate your thanks to the Lord. God's blessings continually for your fabulous talent. So enjoyed listening to you singing from your soul. Thank you Reverend.

Name: R. Riggins
Location: New Jersey
Submitted: June 05, 2016 23:38:09
Comments: I remember the song from the !970 !! Just saw you on R & B 40 ! WOW OH WOW !! Talented beyond measure !!! Sounds the same as you did in 1970 !!!! Continued blessings to you...truly a gift from God !!!!

Name: Sharyn L. Grant
Location: New Haven, Ct
Submitted: June 05, 2016 03:23:40
Comments: Omg I was watching Rhythm and Blues 40 and when you came out and started to sing Hey there Lonely girl..I jumped up and began to remember back when music meant so much...Thank you for singing and giving God the glory and me a great big smile...One of my Favorite songs we Ever Thank you...

Name: vince
Location: sheff,dinnington
Submitted: June 03, 2016 22:41:36
Comments: brill,haunting lyrics music,and voice .will try to get to Skegness to see you. I have to worn you skeggy weather is not good .

Name: Ron Toby
Location: Jefferson City, Tn.
Submitted: May 30, 2016 23:10:27
Comments: I often listen to you sing online and truly enjoy the gift that God gave you. I saw the special on tv with groups/performers from the 70's a few years ago. I still click on YouTube to hear and see you do 'Lonely Girl.' And of course, there is a lonely girl for me, the lonely boy, but due to my financial status, I am unable to act on any feelings I have for her. Perhaps one day, we can listen together and bring an end to the loneliness. Please Rev. Hollman, include this lonely, broke boy in your prayers.

Name: Richard
Location: San Diego, California
Submitted: May 11, 2016 18:03:21
Comments: "Music is God's gift to man, the only art of Heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to Heaven." Thank you Bro Eddie Holman for your Gift!

Name: Jack
Location: Naugatuck,CT.
Submitted: March 29, 2016 20:08:38
Comments: I just wanted to thank you for your music, I am a Musician today, and if were not for music like yours, and other artist of that time, I don't think I would be a musician today, Thank You, Jj

Name: Anne Verebely
Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia
Submitted: February 27, 2016 07:37:23
Comments: Was watching a DVR of the PBS show you were on and looked up your info & was excited that you were born in my hometown of Norfolk, VA. Proud of you!

Name: Michael & Sue
Location: Burlington, Ontario
Submitted: February 19, 2016 13:38:36
Comments: Big fans of you and your music. Just wanted to say hi and to wish you all the best. Keep hitting those high notes and I will keep trying too :).

Name: William Rubinsak
Location: Maricopa Az.
Submitted: February 13, 2016 16:49:04
Comments: Saw you perform in Az. 2/12/16. We are originally from Pittsburg Pa. and have seen you perform there on many occasions. After all the years of enjoying your music you still on top.

Name: Edwin
Location: Wilmington, NC
Submitted: February 07, 2016 18:01:04
Comments: Great job opening for The Stylistics in Wilmington, NC! Wish you could have performed longer. Hope to see you in concert again soon.

Name: Eddie Hall
Location: Harrellsville, North Carolina
Submitted: February 06, 2016 20:24:50
Comments: Hello. Traveled over 300 miles to see you in person and it was well worth the trip. Thank you so much for your wonderful voice. Take care and much continued success.

Name: Cynthia
Location: Buffalo, NY
Submitted: January 11, 2016 15:50:35
Comments: This Lonely Girl Loves you -- you're music -- you're faith -- you are an inspiration and hope to see you live sometime! My friend owns a Custom Tour Bus Leasing out of Nashville, Tennessee if you ever need a luxury coach (just sayin')! God Bless you and keep you safe from harm... Thank you for your music and sharing the "Word" on this site. I'll visit often!

Name: Jim Elliott
Location: UK
Submitted: October 21, 2015 23:43:24
Comments: Hi Eddie. Greetings from England. I remember seeing you live here in about 1990, your rendition of Bernard Williams " Needless to say" was incredible. A night which I still think of very often. Keep on doing what you are doing. Kind regards to you and your family. Jim and family

Name: George Senf
Location: Trenton, NJ
Submitted: September 14, 2015 21:14:46
Comments: Saw you in the early 70s at the Satellite Lounge in Wrightstown N.J. I still remember that it was a good show and would love to see you again if you play at Atlantic City or someplace else close by.

Location: bridgend south wales/
Submitted: July 12, 2015 00:40:28
Comments: we seen you at minehead and had the delight to meet you and photo,,,,never forgot the time may god bkess you always,,,xx

Name: Brian Edwards
Location: San Benito Texas USA
Submitted: July 02, 2015 21:05:52
Comments: Hello Eddie, I have been a huge fan of your since the mid 70's never kn ew ,uch abotu you until today when I came across your web-site. Have a great day and god bless...

Name: Kathryn
Location: las vegas nevada
Submitted: May 24, 2015 22:19:46
Comments: Hey There Eddie! Our family saw you at the Cannery in North Las Vegas.I am 45 and my son is 14. We were really impressed with the way You spoke about Our Lord Jesus Christ,Our Savior! There may come a time in America when we are not allowed to do that. Lets hope that never happens,but in the mean time, Good for You for speaking your truth! Your wife is a lovely lady,Hope to see you perform in Las Vegas again soon!

Name: Beverly Johnson
Location: philadelphia, pa
Submitted: April 23, 2015 08:57:22
Comments: Hello Eddie Holman,i have been a fan of yours for 50 yrs.i was raised in west philly and lived in your old neighborhood when you were a teenager.i was a good friend of your sister(i hope she is doing Well).I remember visiting your home meeting you and mom.i was so excited when your sister talked to me about your solo career,and you were making your #1 hit record (lonely girl )...continued blessings ,success and good health to you and family .

Name: Dave
Location: Leaburg, Oregon
Submitted: April 02, 2015 05:42:54
Comments: Eddie, our lord broke the mold after you were born. Every time I hear "HEY THERE LONELY GIRL" I get goose bumps and tears in my eyes. Your voice is truly incredible. Please schedule a show in Oregon in 2015. I will be honored to see you perform live. Thank you for the amazing memories my friend. God bless you Eddie.

Name: Mitzi
Location: Arkansas
Submitted: March 26, 2015 20:01:27
Comments: I grew up listening to great songs of mid-60s to early 70s which is my favorite era of music. Just want you to know that of the hundreds or even thousands of songs from that time "Hey There Lonely Girl" is my all time favorite. Thanks for a wonderful song!

Name: Lydia Alvarez
Location: San Pedro ca.
Submitted: March 17, 2015 04:15:31
Comments: Seen u on PBS. I'm a new fan. love oldies.

Name: Sally Hookum
Location: Orange County, CA
Submitted: March 11, 2015 19:52:12
Comments: Love your music! Made lots of love to Hey There lonely girl! Never did get the opportunity to see you in concert, but if you are ever in the OC area of Calee, please let me know! God Bless you and yours!

Name: Barry and Ginny
Location: UK
Submitted: March 09, 2015 11:04:00
Comments: Eddie, we caught your performance at Butlins Bognor and were not disappointed. Once again an exemplary performance. The band didn't let you down either - punchy rhythm, knockout horn section and faultless backing singers did you proud. Looking forward to your next visit to the UK

Name: alison smith
Location: kent uk
Submitted: March 01, 2015 21:07:38
Comments: You still got it Eddie, beautiful voice, God Bless xx

Name: Daoud J. Khaliq
Location: Compton, CA
Submitted: February 24, 2015 12:35:51
Comments: Greetings Bro. Eddie, Just saw U on Rock & Roll Stories. Good show. There's just one thing I don't overstand. How could U go through that whole that whole show & not mention what in my humble opinion is the GREATEST song U ever recorded, THIS CAN'T BE TRUE GIRL. That song was out when I was in HS and to this day, all these years later, I never get tired of listening to it. 2 Things I need to know; 1) Who wrote/arranged the music on that song and 2) who were the killer back up singers harmonizing behind you? Please take a few minutes to reply to this note @ the email address above. Thanks.

Name: Sam
Location: pittsburgh pa.
Submitted: February 12, 2015 21:30:44
Comments: Sir: I have been a long standing fan of you and your music. Growing up in the sixties , i have never heard a voice like yours that will live on for ever. Lonely girl was my favorite and thank you truly for it. Please come back to pittsburgh.

Name: Bryn Nelthorpe
Location: Armthorpe, Doncaster
Submitted: February 02, 2015 19:54:57
Comments: Eddie you still have it mate, great skegness weekender 2014 and 2015 keep puffing on them cigars, all the very best. kindest Regards Bryn

Name: Mike
Location: Detroit
Submitted: January 25, 2015 02:44:03
Comments: Eddie- you are the best.

Name: Monica Alblas
Location: Soest Holland
Submitted: January 11, 2015 21:52:29
Comments: Hi There Mr. Holman, When are you and your Great Voice coming to Holland? Kindest Regards, Monica

Name: Paul Holland
Location: United Kingdom
Submitted: November 10, 2014 20:54:33
Comments: Always one of the greatest. I was 15 when you had your main hit and still that song means as much if not more to me now, having had a lifetime of life love woes! Come to London and visit us.

Name: jean griffiths
Location: bridgend south wales
Submitted: November 06, 2014 22:59:42
Comments: seen you at minehead this year..met you and had great photo....bless you and your voice.....x

Name: Louis F. Ferri
Location: Moorestown, New Jersey
Submitted: October 27, 2014 00:42:39
Comments: Just finished listening to Never Let Me Go and I must say a very fine song. To the King of Falsetto,I want to tell you to check your Overbrook High School yearbook and you'll find that we were both in that graduating class Jan. 1965. You're the Best.

Name: Betsy M
Location: Pottstown, PA
Submitted: October 26, 2014 23:31:25
Comments: Glad to see that you are still going strong! Just listened to "Never Let Me Go"...a mighty, mighty ballad. Three cheers for your fabulous voice and career.

Name: James Tomko
Location: Pittsburgh,Pa
Submitted: October 05, 2014 02:32:23
Comments: Eddie, When are you coming back to Pittsburgh? I picked you up at the Pgh. airport a couple years ago when you performed at the Palace Theater in Greensburg,Pa

Name: tony fitzgibbon
Location: Telford , England
Submitted: September 30, 2014 21:13:13
Comments: brilliant rendition of " I surrender " @ Skegness weekender sept 2014 K.T.F

Name: Manny DaSilva
Location: Kissimmee, FL
Submitted: August 02, 2014 18:33:16
Comments: Big fan of "Eddie's Lonely Girl". Takes me right back to Junior High School.

Name: Kevin Kelley
Location: Raleigh, NC
Submitted: July 20, 2014 18:40:02
Comments: Dear Mr. Holman, I first saw your PBS Doo Wop Soul Spectacular a month ago.....and think your performance of Lonely Girl was the highlight of the entire show. You were fabulous!!!! I grew up in Philadelphia and am a business man of 65 years old. I listen to your performance several times each week and frequently your amazing performance brings tears to my eyes. The 1960's offered music with the kind of sensitivity and emotion that resonates with young and old alike. Thank you for the humble heart and precision of your performance. I doubt that I will experience in my lifetime a performance to rival yours. By the way, I actually hired the Four Tops in 1983 while I was in the marketing team of my former companay. I mention that only to share with you that I have some experience with legendary singers of the past.......but your performance rivaled the absolute best I ever have heard. Thanks again Mr. Holoman.

Name: Anthony D. Hines, Sr.
Location: Arlington, Virginia
Submitted: July 18, 2014 17:16:20
Comments: Dear Mr. Holman: I thank you for blessing the world with your God-given talents over the years. I have never seen any of your performances but look forward to seeing you in person at a concert near the Washington, D.C. area. I'm one of your long staunchest fans, Anthony D. Hines, Sr.

Submitted: June 27, 2014 20:23:07
Comments: Met you at Victoria Theatre Halifax in February to hear you perform Hey There Lonely Girl highlite of my year if not life. When are you coming to England again and how about doing Eddie's My Name if you do

Name: Leenie Bigelow
Location: Willow grove pa
Submitted: June 01, 2014 01:52:40
Comments: You have always been an amazing talent. Your voice can bring me to tears. Thank you for all that you do for the community, and for the music world. Can't wait to see you at the Kimmel in 2015. Classic,and true..that's you. Much love

Name: Mark White
Location: Aylesbury UK
Submitted: April 21, 2014 21:08:55
Comments: First saw you in 1975 here in Aylesbury UK and that golden voice I will never forget. Thankyou for enriching our lives.

Name: jane
Location: Surrey
Submitted: April 17, 2014 02:28:52
Comments: you have brought the past into the present. Beautiful! Unfortunately I have cancerga3yc7 and may never see you live - my wish. However I will always saviour your beautiful voice and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting light back into my life. God bless you.

Name: Christopher
Location: The Highlands, Washington
Submitted: March 30, 2014 09:53:25
Comments: I have been a fan of yours since I was ten years old and bought "I Love You" in 1970. Please come to Washington State and do a concert soon.

Name: Andrea Carrington
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Submitted: March 16, 2014 01:27:21
Comments: Mr. Holman, I just watched you on a program on public television. You voice is beyond beautiful! It sends chills up my spine. Your style, grace, and humbleness are just a few of the reasons that you sound better than ever! Thank you & God bless you!

Name: Bobby Schneider
Location: Rocky Point, N.Y.
Submitted: March 12, 2014 15:48:02
Comments: Hi Eddie Hay there lonely girl man, Every time I hear it puts a lump in my throat and tears to my eye's. The hurt you express kills me with the voice of an angle. God Bless You And Family. Later. Bob.

Name: Raleigh T
Location: Texas
Submitted: March 10, 2014 05:38:16
Comments: Next time you are in Austin Texas, please let the public know!! Round Rock is nice, but South Austin is the bomb!! I would love to see you in concert!!

Name: Sally H
Location: Orange County, CA
Submitted: February 26, 2014 19:07:58
Comments: OMG! I just love your voice. The song Hey There Lonely girl takes me way back in the day when I was like 20 yrs old. Best slow dancing song ever. Whenever you get to Southern California for a concent, please let me know. Love you Eddie...

Name: Sharon
Location: Stevenage, UK
Submitted: February 23, 2014 22:15:52
Comments: It was a privilege to see you sing on Saturday 22nd Feb in Stevenage (at the Gordon Craig theatre with David Guests Soul Legends). Thank you for signing the cd and I have been playing it all day, lovely tracks.

Name: anne hilditch
Location: stevenage
Submitted: February 22, 2014 23:40:47
Comments: just seen your show ...an amazing evening and you still have a superb voice . thanks for signing my CD and programme and safe journey home xxx

Name: Eric Shaw(the greek)
Location: Liverpool
Submitted: February 18, 2014 15:17:00
Comments: It was a pleasure talking to you Eddie will keep an eye on your next tour in my area Maybe the greenroom you never can tell nd we share the same birthday 3rd June pleasure talking to you Eddie maybe see you next in the Greenroom and we share the same birthday 3rd June Regards Eric

Name: Steve Burks
Location: Dayton, OH
Submitted: February 14, 2014 23:45:52
Comments: I was a child of the sixties and loved my rock and roll but when I heard Eddie Holman sing "Lonely Girl" I knew I was hearing one the greatest voices ever. I was 15 then and have never tired of listening to the great Eddie Holman.

Name: Stuart Marlor
Location: Atherton, Manchester, UK
Submitted: February 12, 2014 20:51:59
Comments: A top showman at Minehead, we wanted and needed more but the tight timetable denied us that pleasure. We need Eddie to tour the UK more often and treat us to your soulful harmony. Please consider Skegness Northern Soul weekender in October 2014. Keep the faith Stu

Name: John Edwards
Location: Wigan uk
Submitted: February 07, 2014 11:46:50
Comments: Fantasti c night at St Helens and great to meet you after the show

Name: Stuart Marlor
Location: UK
Submitted: February 06, 2014 16:25:50
Comments: Saw Eddie perform at Butlins in Minehead on 1st February 2014. Absolutely awesome and hope he tours UK again very soon. A voice second to none; a true soul talent and legend. Thank you Eddie. Keep The Faith Stu & Alison

Name: Lynne
Location: Plymouth uk
Submitted: February 04, 2014 09:29:24
Comments: Met you at mine head you allowed us to have a picture together you are an amazing performer you made us all so happy I would like to say thank you and it was an honour to talk to you for a while once again thank you so much with love Lynne xxx the photos came out amazing of us I can treasure my memories xxxx

Name: steve
Location: england
Submitted: February 04, 2014 04:02:49
Comments: hi eddie,great show your doing all over England with david guest. I see you at butlins Skegness 2/2/2014 thanks for signing your cd for me and the wife.. have a nice life you've worked hard for it. kind regards steve and Lesley. xx

Name: jean griffiths
Location: south wales uk
Submitted: January 16, 2014 00:15:18
Comments: I ams so looking forward to seeing you at minehead,,,,hey there lonely girl is my fav,,sooo beautiful,,,i am a Christian also and attend a gospel church at Cardiff,,,,take care thank you and god bless xx

Name: J LChestnut III
Location: Birmingham Alabama
Submitted: December 09, 2013 03:12:07
Comments: Thank you for that I incredible song "Hey there lonely girl" when I get in the move to celebrate my wife hey I have to play that song. The song takes me back to so many memories when I was a young buck! The song is a masterpiece its get better with time! Thanks Eddie!

Name: Marge
Location: NYC
Submitted: December 01, 2013 17:44:25
Comments: Heard you on a PBS special 2 nights ago ... you simply BLEW me away! I can't believe how magnificent your voice still is ... thank you for such a talent. I loved it!

Name: Karyn Taylor
Location: Raleigh NC
Submitted: October 15, 2013 15:55:31
Comments: Please can you tell me if you are planning any tour date for Raleigh NC or anywhere close. I have been a fan for many years and to this day Hey there Lonely Girl still gives me goosebumps when I hear you sing it another favourite is All in the Game. Keep doing what your doing Eddie. Peace and Love

Name: Steve Harris
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne UK
Submitted: October 15, 2013 01:08:27
Comments: Hi Eddie I hope to catch you when your here in the UK I play most of your tracks on my Internet Radio Station , you have a large following here in the UK the amount of requests I get for your tracks not just the commercial ones either is massive.I believe you will have a great time here in the UK Hope to see you soon Steve

Name: Gloria
Location: Park Forest IL.
Submitted: September 27, 2013 15:44:48
Comments: I just want to share my thoughts of the song Lonely Girl. I'm am so enjoying it. I'm grateful for websites such as youtube and others. I was searching for a song by the various artists from years ago.(love my doo wops) and I came upon Eddie Holman's name and "Bingo". I found the song. Thank you Eddie, thank you for giving this "classic" song to your fans and I shall cherish it into infinity.

Name: david hare
Location: raleigh NC
Submitted: August 04, 2013 01:52:25
Comments: Eddie, I'm 54. I heard you on AM radio when I was 16. You still bring tears to my eyes when you sing Lonely Girl. You still hit all of the high notes. God Bless you for the joy you have brought many a lonely girl & youngsters with broken hearts in need of mending with your touching songs. We will always love you.

Name: eddie fraser
Location: greenock, scotland
Submitted: August 01, 2013 16:00:38
Comments: I STILL have my 45 vinyl copy of Hey There Lonely Girl that I bought in 1974. Wouldn't part with it for the world. Still reminds me of my first date What a great song !!

Location: Porthcawl, South Wales, United Kingdom
Submitted: June 13, 2013 21:18:39
Comments: Eddie, you have one of the greatest voices of all time, of any genre of music Since I was a student, performer and DJ in the 70s, I've never forgotten the incredible soaring falsetto to which I treated my clientelle through your recordings Perhaps we'll meet one day, when you're in the UK...and maybe my currently small hospitality company will be big enough to sometime have the pleasure of working with Eddie Holman...God bless you !!

Name: alfred rod speller
Location: Virginia Beach, VA
Submitted: June 13, 2013 07:02:33
Comments: My mother is Marian.LOL I am Rod we hope that you and your family are well cousin Eddie.take care!

Name: Suzanne
Location: Burnt hills
Submitted: June 08, 2013 22:36:01
Comments: I'm watching you on the PBS special from a few years ago, and you sound as wonderful as you did when I was a kid and my favorite song was " hey there lonely girl." Bravo. Please, keep singing. You are a joy.

Name: Marianne
Location: NY
Submitted: June 05, 2013 02:52:28
Comments: Happy Birthday, Eddie! I am also a Gemini (May22), and am a music therapist. Your performance of Hey There Lonely Girl on PBS made me cry, and whenever I hear it on WBCS-FM, I stop what I am doing and sing along with it! It is amazing to me that your voice is still so spectacular! You are tremendously talented and truly blessed, and I feel blessed to have seen your performance yet again on PBS!

Name: Brooriaassord
Location: Brazil
Submitted: April 22, 2013 12:35:14
Comments: Really good Website Always, good communication. They did a professional job

Name: Sunny
Location: London
Submitted: April 17, 2013 10:29:12
Comments: Ed is my name pleasing girls is my game- whats left to say!!! Could you re-release it but change the Ed to "Sunny"!! Thanks for the great sounds and look forward to welcoming you to the UK someday.

Name: tony sibthorpe
Location: United Kingdom
Submitted: April 04, 2013 13:37:22
Comments: Eddie, simple question mate, why dont you come over to the UK, music has become bland and it needs legends like you to liven things up over here : )

Name: Tiffany Z.
Location: Honolulu
Submitted: March 25, 2013 20:00:18
Comments: Please come to Honolulu, Hawaii!!

Name: Steve Guidugli
Location: Bellevue Kentucky
Submitted: March 18, 2013 13:58:58
Comments: Eddie your performance on PBS was fantastic

Name: john shafer
Location: Nappanee, IN
Submitted: February 27, 2013 04:27:52
Comments: YOU ARE AMAZING! wish you would do a concert in chicago or south bend, IN or Fort wayne, IN

Name: Mary Lou Quesada
Location: Bertram, TX
Submitted: February 17, 2013 08:39:59
Comments: EXCITEMENT is what Life Springs is feeling. We feel honored to have you come perform for us.

Name: Aaron Keele
Location: Toronto
Submitted: February 14, 2013 22:59:18
Comments: Mr. Holman, I am of course familiar with your great voice and your Classic "Hey There Lonely Girl". Today however, I heard for the first time "You Can Tell". I'm left with this thought. Are you trying to kill me? :-) Maaan that is an amazing tune. Just wanted to say thanks for it, and wishing you and yours a wonderful 2013. Many blessings. Cheers.

Name: Rose Love
Location: San Francisco, Ca
Submitted: February 03, 2013 08:28:18
Comments: Thank you sharing your wonderful gift with the world! I lalso have beautiful well preserved memories from your music. Thank you for placing a footprint on my life's movie.

Submitted: January 10, 2013 02:08:35
Comments: My favorite singer of all times has always been Mr. Excitement - the late Jackie Wilson..... Eddie Holman, you are definately in his demension of talent and 'voice' beyond all others. When are you coming to New York? Thank you...Howie Isserles.

Name: Dave Accordino
Location: Pennsylvania
Submitted: January 07, 2013 02:52:32
Comments: You are the greatest singer by far! I grew up with your music. THANK YOU

Name: Linda Burgoyne
Location: Gainesville, FL
Submitted: December 09, 2012 05:36:29
Comments: I am 55 and first heard "You Know that I Will" when I was 10. Couldn't remember your name or the exact words until I found you on You Tube tonight. What joy has filled my heart. I am looking forward to purchasing more of your music and now have bookmarked your web site. Thank you Mr. Holman.

Name: Beverley
Location: Warminster
Submitted: December 03, 2012 14:20:34
Comments: We just saw you at the Keswick theater this weekend and my husband was blown away with your performance. He said you were the best act of the evening. (and he's not an oldies fan like I am.) We loved how you brought our Lord into you act. Bless you for allowing God to use you in this way

Name: John Clay.
Location: Manchester, England
Submitted: November 17, 2012 02:11:18
Comments: Hi Eddie, Such a privelige to just hope you read this! I got to know your music when I was 15 (i'm 51 now) during the massive Northern Soul scene in England which erupted in the early/mid 70's. It's still going strong every friday/Saturday night up here in the north of England! When I first heard 'I Surrender' and the range in your voice it just knocked me out! I love female Soul singers...that's my love!!! but your voice just captivated me and still does 35 tears later! Your music has been played in English Northern Soul venues for the last 40 years and long may it continue...my spine tingles when I hear the first bars of I Surrender (when I'm dancing) but also when I hear your voice in any of your fantastic tracks. Eddie...you might not realise but your songs are as hot as they were 40 years ago!! We love you man!!! ..You're a legend..come and see us again please! Your unworthy follower John Clay

Name: James Fenno
Location: Austin, Texas
Submitted: October 28, 2012 02:39:52
Comments: Tickets went on sale online today for Mr. Holman's intimate concert February 17, 2013 in Round Rock, Texas. Sponsored by LifeSprings Church - this is surely be the Valentines Day 2013 concert to attend!

Name: Gloria.
Location: Cape Town. South Africa.
Submitted: October 20, 2012 16:53:25
Comments: Love listening to your beautiful singing. To be honest today was the first time i heard your singing and it blew me away. So nice meeting you. God Bless

Name: Debby McCullough
Location: Plymouth, Michigan
Submitted: October 10, 2012 05:59:26
Comments: Saw you tonight in Novi and you were just incredible! The best concert I have ever been to! Thank you for bringing your beautiful music to us.

Name: Garfield McNair
Location: Baltimore Maryland
Submitted: September 28, 2012 20:55:43
Comments: You may not remember me from back in Philadelphia. You played guitar in our band called the Cavaliers. This was way back in the fifties. I am now in Baltimore still playing music the band now is The Pakiva Bluz Band. Congratulations on your singing career. Best wishes, Garfield.

Name: michael And Teri
Location: Ft Pierce Fl
Submitted: September 24, 2012 12:41:06
Comments: great show would see you again any time

Name: Ann
Location: Springfield,Massachusetts
Submitted: September 18, 2012 21:51:17
Comments: Fabulous show..was glad to see that you have not lost your voice. was also wonderfully surprised to learned of your Christians beliefs. Ptl! GOD IS GOOD WHEN WE PUT HIM FIRST IN OUR LIVES AND ACKNOWLEDGE HIM! Ann

Name: Ali
Location: Springfield, MA
Submitted: September 18, 2012 02:54:47
Comments: Fabulous show at The Big E in West Springfield, MA on 9/17/2012.I love Lonely Girl but I have to tell you that "It's All In The Game" has been a life long favorite of mine since the 60's. Excellent show-good vibs with the audience, great song selection, well dressed, and terrific with the audience after the show signing autographs, etc. Thank you.

Name: Mitch
Location: B'klyn., N.Y.
Submitted: September 08, 2012 03:20:52
Comments: Eddie, While visiting my cousins in Las Vegas last week, I saw you at the Cannery Hotel on Sept. 1st. I enjoyed seeing you there...I like your songs & the interesting stories you told about writing & making them happen with the help of your wife. I hope to catch you on PBS sometime! All my best, Mitch

Name: David & Maggie Browne
Location: Cornwall England
Submitted: September 03, 2012 15:07:13
Comments: We owe it to your beautiful music that we are together , met & danced to Lonely girl & still married , still in love after all these years, thank you for the music , we send our love to you and yours x x x

Name: Tom and Margie Lieberher
Location: Oreland Pa. 19075
Submitted: August 31, 2012 15:29:13
Comments: Hi Eddie,A guy came into Margie's work, and said he will be singing on a cruise with you in Feb. of 2013. Can you tell me any info? Say hello to Sheila for us and hope you are all well! Your friend, Chelt. Police (RET) Tom

Name: Denise
Location: Las Vegas
Submitted: August 25, 2012 17:18:54
Comments: Just watched your performance on PBS 50's and 60's special, and WOW! You still got it.

Name: Linda
Location: United States
Submitted: August 16, 2012 04:55:17
Comments: I was at your concert in Monroe, MI tonight, and you were absolutely amazing! Unfortunately, we had to leave early, but you are truly a blessing and touched all of us, including out handicap clients. We all enjoyed the show. Thank you so very much.

Name: anne
Location: Cambridgeshre england
Submitted: July 11, 2012 19:31:28
Comments: are you going to tour in england soon

Name: Dave
Location: England
Submitted: July 10, 2012 22:52:03
Comments: A pleasure to listen to your music. Do you tour the UK ever?

Name: Silky
Location: England
Submitted: July 10, 2012 03:13:11
Comments: Not only is Eddie a terrific singer he is a lovely man. God bless and love to you and your family. Silky Keenia and ally x

Name: Dave
Location: Cape Coral Fla.
Submitted: July 03, 2012 02:09:05
Comments: Eddie, I know your gifts come from the LORD are GOD. I just wanted to let you know that, Hey there lonely has got to be one of the best songs ever recorded, and you and GOD made it a classic.I would love to hear you preach, are you online

Name: Mary Lloyd
Location: United States
Submitted: July 01, 2012 18:29:40
Comments: I cannot put into words how much I enjoy your music and always have! The performance on Public television, "Hey there lonely girl", my altime favorite....put chills up and down my spine and tears from my eyes. It was magnificent and God has blessed you with an angels voice. Keep spreading your gift for all of us who go back when life was much simpler and less stressful. Your music takes me there always...thank you for your talent and sharing uit with the world. God Bless you forever..........

Name: jonnyman
Location: cornwall u.k.
Submitted: June 30, 2012 19:30:03
Comments: just watched you on utube singing live "hey there lonely girl"what a professional performance,you are truly one of the the great artists around,a big thank you,and god bless you...

Name: Nancy desVignes
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Submitted: June 28, 2012 16:29:38
Comments: Hi Eddie, I still remember the very first time I heard you sing "Hey there loney girl". I was in grade 9 and was at my first mixed party at a ski hill. I was waiting to go down the hill on my toboggan and your song was playing in the hut outside. I had to wait to hear the song as it was so beautiful and somehow I could relate to it. This song as played over and over again in my head for 40 years. Still loving it!!! Thank you Eddie

Name: Joe Cerisano
Location: New Jersey
Submitted: June 10, 2012 16:25:05
Comments: I just watched you singing Lonely Girl on a channel 13 special and your voice is still AMAZING! What a Gods gift! I just had to write and testify! www.cerisano.com

Name: Josie
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Submitted: June 10, 2012 03:41:21
Comments: I just wanted to say that I absolutely love the song "I Love You" (I am currently listening to it.) If I ever get married I want it to be my wedding song.

Name: Darlene Richardson
Location: Rochester, New York
Submitted: June 06, 2012 05:35:06
Comments: I have always loved your voice and my favorite song is "Lonely Girl". Your voice has only gotten better over time. God bless you and thank you for your music.

Name: G The Music Man
Location: Atlanta
Submitted: June 05, 2012 01:38:54
Comments: Sir, You have still got it. !

Name: Mark
Location: Florida
Submitted: June 01, 2012 00:42:26
Comments: I think his voice is from outer spave - heavenly. Does anyone know if he is doing any shows this summer?

Name: Josie
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Submitted: May 27, 2012 23:21:32
Comments: Hello, I just wanted o say I absolutely love the song "I love You" (I am listening to it right now.) When I get married I want it to be my wedding song.

Name: Gwen (FOY)Garland
Location: Philadelphia
Submitted: May 22, 2012 07:37:28
Comments: Hello Eddie: Just finished listening to Hey There Lonely Girl,which is still one of my favorite songs. I hope if you are performing in Philly or the surrounding areas I will have the opportunity to attend.

Name: Liam Holden.
Location: England.
Submitted: April 30, 2012 18:02:47
Comments: Hi. Singing live and recreating the same perfect sound is difficult,but you sir,have excelled. A wonderful song,Lonely Girl,sung by a fantastic singer.

Submitted: April 29, 2012 22:30:31

Name: Gary Hammack
Location: Kennewick WA
Submitted: April 28, 2012 06:14:42
Comments: Mr. Holman: I am, and always will be a huge fan. Your song "lonely girl" never fails to move me to tears. Thank You for sharing your God given talents, with us all.

Name: jorge luis elescano mendoza
Location: peru-callao
Submitted: April 14, 2012 04:26:59
Comments: mr. eddie holman explorando via internet escuche el mensaje de tus buenas canciones y se que contribuyes al buen camino de la juventud si es posible,bueno en tu pais EEUU.en algunas ciudades o gobernaciones la delincuencia juvenil es lamentable la injusticia es de todo los dias e ai la contribucion de los ministros evanjelicos no solo de un cierto cector si no la juventud descareada guiar los corectos caminos salvar del vicio y la delincuencia un granito de arena se te agradesera eddie..GRACIAS

Name: Tena Bentley
Location: Charlotte NC
Submitted: April 13, 2012 22:07:29
Comments: God Bless You Mr.Eddie Holman, I am thankful for all the great music that you have giving us to listen to. I love your song Hey there lonely Girl. May God Bless You and keep you always. Your fan, Tena Bentley.

Name: Donna
Location: Maryland
Submitted: April 08, 2012 02:54:13
Comments: Just watched you on PBS. Wow! What a voice and performance

Name: Sheryl Orr
Location: Erie, PA
Submitted: March 31, 2012 17:55:07
Comments: Never miss watching you on PBS. Many thanks to you for taking the fifties and the sixties to a whole new level.

Name: Cathy and Ken White
Location: Lambertville, NJ
Submitted: March 25, 2012 15:58:19
Comments: We watched your wonderful performance on PBS while we are here in Belize, Central America enjoying this paradise Your voice is as strong as it was in the sixties, when I became a fan and my favorite song was "lonely Girl". God Bless You and Sheila.

Name: Sandra Byrd
Location: Chattanooga Tennessee
Submitted: March 25, 2012 04:23:58

Name: Anna Tinkle
Location: Tennessee
Submitted: March 25, 2012 02:58:22
Comments: I just watched the PBS special and your performance was my favorite. It was flawless. Thank you for sharing your gifts and passion.YY

Name: Steve McGlamery
Location: Christiansburg, VA USA
Submitted: March 20, 2012 02:40:46
Comments: Just heard you on PBS special--incredible voice--thanks, man!

Name: lizzie and trisha
Location: England
Submitted: March 15, 2012 22:31:44
Comments: Hi Eddie, l am with someone you met quite a few years ago with her friend, at a club called barberellas in birmingham. You gave a memorable performance especially "hey their lonley girl" are you thinking of coming back to the uk to do any shows? Hope your well and look forward to hearing of your plans god bless trisha and lizziex

Name: Charlotte
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Submitted: March 12, 2012 04:57:06
Comments: Just saw you on PBS tribute to the 60's, singing "Hey There Lonely Girl"....fantastic, your falsetto voice and style of singing were unbelievably amazing. It was the best performance of the entire show. Thanks for contributing your talents to PBS.

Name: dave Herbert
Location: Redondo Beach, Ca
Submitted: March 12, 2012 01:23:22
Comments: Love You Dog! Whatcha doing? You still perform?

Name: Becky Brown
Location: Ohio
Submitted: March 05, 2012 14:17:58
Comments: Hi Eddie, I just wanted to say that I have loved the song Lonely Girl for many years however I fell absolutely, positively in love with it and YOU for a lifetime after having the good fortune to see you on PBS Saturday night singing it! OMGoodness- you were amazing and I am now completely transfixed on the song and am trying to get that particular performance of it to play on Spotify, which I listen to on fb. Eddie- you are a charming, handsome, talented and amazing person and at the age of 57 my heart has a new reason to smile! Thank you for your performance and I pray to one day see you live! Love you, Becky

Name: Art Cisneros
Location: San Fernando Valley
Submitted: February 15, 2012 19:51:18
Comments: Enjoyed your performance saturday night! Thanks for listening to your wife and producing "Hey there lonely girl" Lol

Name: Elizabeth Luv Bug Buompensiero
Location: Montebello Ca
Submitted: February 15, 2012 06:53:24
Comments: I saw you at the Gibson on Saturday February 11, 2012 I have to say all the artist were on point but my favorite song of the knight was This Can't be True....... Luved it, thank you so much

Name: Susan Jimenez
Location: Lynwood, CA
Submitted: February 13, 2012 19:26:48
Comments: Mr. Holman, my sweetheart and I saw you Saturday night @ the Gibson, Love Affair concert and you were fabulous! You are truly an entertainer, your voice, your songs, your music were the best. It was our pleasure to see you in person. Good health and Peace to you and your family.

Name: Marcos Salas
Location: Los Angeles ( WATTS) CA
Submitted: February 13, 2012 03:36:47
Comments: I met my wife 5 years ago, and since then I've fallen in love with your songs. Seeing you in person last night at the Gibson was wonderful. You also have an excellent personality. This type of music been around for a long time and I just recently got hooked on it. A question though? I was expecting to see more black people especially young black people. Why is the new generation not embracing this wonderful music?

Name: Sal Hernandez
Location: Ontario, California
Submitted: February 13, 2012 00:27:23
Comments: Hi Eddie my name is Sal Hernandez my wife Rose and I just saw you last night at the Gibson ampitheatre in LA. Let me tell you, you were awsome. I also wanted to tell you that Hey there lonely girl was my brother Eddie's favorite song, just before he was killed in an auto accident back in 1973 at which time he was 15 years old. I was 18. As I mention his name was also Eddie, he was just starting to like girls and I always think of him when I hear your song. Hearing it in person was incredible to me, especially since you performed it flawlessly. My best to you and your family. God Bless You Sincerely Sal Hernandez Jr.

Submitted: February 13, 2012 00:08:17

Name: Connie Schuster
Location: Philadelphia PA
Submitted: February 11, 2012 04:37:27
Comments: I heard you at the Kimmel Center some years ago. I'd never heard a voice like yours in person until then; amazing!!!

Location: NYC
Submitted: February 10, 2012 03:01:58
Comments: Eddie Holman. A living legend and simply the BEST. Sgt. Gary.

Name: kevin
Location: kent england
Submitted: February 09, 2012 20:13:12
Comments: How about a dvd eddie

Name: Rich
Location: Los Angeles
Submitted: February 06, 2012 01:13:39

Name: Mario Villasenor Jr.
Location: East Chicago, Indiana
Submitted: February 05, 2012 06:33:07
Comments: You are truly an inspiration to me. Ever since I heard "Hey there lonely girl" on the late night infomerical, I have been in love with your music. The Live You Tube video was amazing. You can just see from the people's faces in the audience, how captivating your music is. I wish that it was possible that you could perform at my job at the casino. That would be Awesome!!! Stay real E.H.

Name: Sherry
Location: Ottawa Ontario Canada
Submitted: February 05, 2012 05:32:27
Comments: Hi Eddie: I just finished watching the latest PBS 60s music show. It was fantastic - all the artists were great. But then you took the stage - and my heart just did a flip. Your song, Lonely Girl, is so beautiful, and you sang it just like you did in the 60s. It was awesome. YOU are awesome. I'm still wiping away tears. Thank you for the music. It brings me back to my teenage days in the 60s and is and always will be the best music decade of all time.

Name: Jean
Location: United States
Submitted: February 04, 2012 22:38:00
Comments: Eddie, I just listened to you on WPFW, the Andrea Bray show. Beyond your amazing voice, it was sooooo good to hear you speak so lovingly and openly about your wife Sheila. You, obviously, are blessed in so many ways and know how to share it with others. I do hope to see you in March at Harmony Hall in Ft. Washington, MD. Keep it going and again, thanks for telling us about your family .

Name: James Thornton
Location: Oslo Norway
Submitted: February 02, 2012 23:00:33
Comments: Hi Eddie, Lonely girl is my favorite some from the day ! I'm now a father of three girls from 22 to 14 years old and they also love the song and the music you've provided over the years. Thanks! Music is memories and your music takes me back to a very happy time in my life. Keeping singing that song!!

Name: Martha England
Location: Cincinnati,Ohio
Submitted: January 22, 2012 03:46:33
Comments: Eddie your the greatest singer out there, love you .....

Name: david
Location: Love your sound
Submitted: January 19, 2012 19:28:58
Comments: any upcioming live appearnces? Thank you!

Name: Ralph and Sharon
Location: North Haven, CT
Submitted: January 16, 2012 00:26:09
Comments: A voice blessed by God himself and certainly a well-dressed man! Still lovin' you.

Name: Danny Moore
Location: At present, Toronto, from Tasm
Submitted: January 13, 2012 14:48:56
Comments: Eddie, I am a conservatorium trained guitar player. My favourite music is Frank Zappa and other technical rock/jazz fusion, but hearing you sing Lonely Girl of TV recently completely reaffirmed to me how powerful music is. You sang like an angel man! You show that music is timeless and beautiful and a true expression of God in man. Thank you so music for sharing your talent. My wife Judy and I were a mass of goosebumps hearing you sing.

Name: Iceman
Location: Chicago
Submitted: January 12, 2012 01:29:50
Comments: Caught the latest 'Goldies' PBS Special. Let's be honest, nature takes its progressive course on ALL of us. We don't look like we used to 'back-in-the-day' and for singers especially they can't maintain that youthful sound or hit those high notes like they used to. That's just the way it is (respectfully) for all of us as Father Time accompanies us on our life’s journey. So imagine my delightful surprise when you performed your classic "...Girl" on this special! You not only look great but your voice is absolutely SUPERB!! You knocked it WAYYYYY out of the park my friend. You are truly an inspiration Eddie to ALL of us old timers. You are proof positive that you DON'T have to act as old as our years might suggest and that our passions can supersede our 'expected' abilities. God bless you and yours. Iceman (NOT Jerry Butler)

Name: Dik Hedlund
Location: Minneapolis
Submitted: December 12, 2011 07:59:48
Comments: A truly heartfelt, beautiful performance on PBS Special. Thank you.

Name: Brigitte
Location: Harlem U.S.A.
Submitted: December 10, 2011 17:15:12
Comments: Thanks for being so timeless and for being a God fearing man. You are blessed.

Name: Tom Hubbard
Location: Ann Arbor MI
Submitted: December 10, 2011 04:07:12
Comments: What a wonderful performance on the PBS special from Channel 56 in Detroit. "Hey There Lonely Girl" was a *very* big hit on CKLW in Detroit back in my high school days. Very nice to see you in performance and getting such a warm welcome in the concert hall. Keep up the good work!

Name: Barbara
Location: Southern California
Submitted: December 07, 2011 05:38:12
Comments: You were incredible on the PBS special! Really enjoyed hearing a GREAT singer!

Name: Denise
Location: Metro Detroit area
Submitted: December 06, 2011 04:54:09
Comments: How wonderful to see/hear you perform. Please come to Detroit! (Thanks to PBS for bringing you to television).

Name: Devon
Location: NH
Submitted: December 05, 2011 01:40:22
Comments: Absolutely amazing. I loved hearing you again at the PBS special.

Name: harry
Location: western oregon
Submitted: December 04, 2011 19:07:31
Comments: last nights PBS appearance was magic. Congratulations to you and thanks for the great performance

Name: Mark B
Location: OHIO
Submitted: December 04, 2011 07:06:06
Comments: WOW my MOM loves our songs as do i use to sing them with my UNCLE ROBERT memories i hold in my heart and soul thank you PBS and you SIR GOD BLESS

Name: Beth B.
Location: Maine
Submitted: December 04, 2011 04:42:40
Comments: So nice to see and hear you tonight on PBS..please bring your beautiful voice to New England!!

Name: Bill J
Location: NJ
Submitted: December 04, 2011 03:02:21
Comments: Just saw you on PBS Eddie...you can still bring it !!! Thanks for the Memories..!

Name: Cyrisse
Location: United States
Submitted: November 30, 2011 00:59:10
Comments: Saw you at the Apollo theater as a young teen and have great memories of that performance. Heard your songs recently and I felt so romantic and cozy. Thanks!

Name: Jeff Carr
Location: Indiana
Submitted: November 07, 2011 03:04:05
Comments: WOW! It had been too long since I heard your golden voice. A true gift from God. The live performance in 2009 of "Lonely Boy" brought a broad smile on my face and tears to my eyes. I am the same age as you and to see you belt it out after all these years is a blessing. Thank you.

Name: kathy martin
Location: United States
Submitted: November 02, 2011 19:50:58
Comments: I loved your music for many many years. Thank you

Name: Gary
Location: Connecticut
Submitted: September 26, 2011 01:57:25
Comments: Saw you at the Big E last night in West Springfield, MA. I always loved your music, but you blew me away with your performance. Please come back to New England soon!

Name: tim favreau
Location: titusville pa
Submitted: September 11, 2011 04:10:26
Comments: always loved your music, thank you for sharing!

Name: Kwasi
Location: VA
Submitted: September 02, 2011 16:47:49
Comments: Eddie from one home boy to another-Norfolk, VA, your music is a precious gift fro the Creator. Each of us have a gift, and each of us must share our gifts with the world as you are doing. Shmhtp-Go In Peace!

Name: Nicole
Location: enland
Submitted: July 27, 2011 06:53:11
Comments: It is a beautiful site, thank you for sharing http://blog.francetv.fr/cartesagratter

Name: Trevor
Location: Peterborough
Submitted: June 19, 2011 19:03:55
Comments: Belated birthday greetings - the video of Lonely Girl is awesome and brings back happy memories. Long may you continue

Name: Keith
Location: Hawaii
Submitted: June 07, 2011 03:09:29
Comments: There is NO ONE that can sing this beautiful song like you. And If I remember correctly, It was yopur wife who persuaded you to sing the song. GOD BLESS HER!

Name: Richard
Location: England
Submitted: June 03, 2011 11:39:00
Comments: Happy Birthday!

Name: ian
Location: england
Submitted: May 14, 2011 01:32:44
Comments: lonely girl was a fantastic song ,just heard it on tv in the uk and looked it up ,

Name: Betty Boop
Location: Stoke-on-Trent england
Submitted: May 09, 2011 11:19:18
Comments: you know you have a brilliant voice, Would love to see you and listen to you sing sometime over here

Name: Maria Strand
Location: Sweden
Submitted: May 06, 2011 20:55:18
Comments: I heard the song "Lonely girl" in the seventies, and it has stayed in the back of my head. I have got to find out more about you, Eddie. I have a feeling, there´s more to experience....

Name: Jack Newell
Location: Philly
Submitted: April 18, 2011 21:18:01
Comments: Dear Eddie, Saw your show on Saturday Night at the Hill School, and was thoroughly entertained. Also very glad to have had the opportunity to meet you in person. Your voice is as great as ever, and you have to be wearing tight shorts to hit those notes. Enjoyed that one, you have a great sense of humor. Hope to see you perform again. Jack

Name: philip howell
Location: raleigh nc
Submitted: March 27, 2011 23:05:34
Comments: Enjoyed the concert at the progress energy cntr (3/25/2011) Your expression of faith was uplifting. Congradulations on the medicare card. Your music is timeless.

Name: willie felder
Location: Raleigh NC
Submitted: March 26, 2011 21:02:29
Comments: Great concert last night in Raleigh. You are truly one of the all time greats. Did not get to meet you in person but you spoke to my girlfriend berthelia. Thanks for making a lasting impression on us both. God bless.

< Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 23 Next > All

The messages below are prior to March 2011, before they were stored as above

Name: Kieron Warren
Location: Sudbury, Suffolk UK
Submitted: Tue Mar 15 10:31:39 2011 EST
Comments: Hey Eddie, Just found this website and watched the vid. Made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and brought tears to my eyes. I first bought Lonely Girl/All in the game when first issued over here,(and still got it!) and you sound better than ever man.Really glad you're still doing it. Take care.

Name: Desiree Pulido
Location: Hollister, Ca
Submitted: Fri Mar 4 22:20:17 2011 EST
Comments: Very, very much enjoyed watching you perform in Fresno and we seen you two days later in San Jose, Ca. Both were very good shows. Just heard Hey There Lonely Girl on Mega 97.9 and I remembered you mentioning to go to your website! Have a great day.

Name: Laurence Wright
Location: Salt Lake City
Submitted: Thu Feb 24 1:53:49 2011 EST
Comments: Hello Eddie, Oh, how I love listening to `Hey there lonely girl` on You Tube. What memories it brings. Then to check out your website and find that you are a Christian too, what a smile that brings to my face. God Bless you and yours. Larry Wright

Name: Lukyamuzi Frank
Location: kampala...Uganda
Submitted: Sat Feb 19 19:20:32 2011 EST
Comments: Hi Holman, greetings from Frank. Glad to know about you from doing my interview at CROSSRHYTHMS It is all about trancription, i am indeed glad that God has blessed me thru your wounderful words. I am so happy. God bless you Frank

Name: Victoria Rios
Location: Hanford, California
Submitted: Sun Feb 13 23:05:34 2011 EST
Comments: Hello, I just wanted to let you know how much that I enjoyed you in concert last night in Fresno, CA. It was the first concert Ive ever been to and I really enjoyed it.

Name: Ron Cori
Location: Virginia
Submitted: Sun Jan 23 12:30:28 2011 EST
Comments: Eddie: Hope you are well...old friend from Philly...

Name: JL
Location: Atlanta, Ga
Submitted: Thu Jan 20 17:36:15 2011 EST
Comments: Hey Eddie, Just wanted to say I've always been one of your biggest fans. I think I know some of your distant relatives in KC. Their all good people.

Name: Frank Martin
Location: Madrid (Spain)
Submitted: Mon Jan 17 21:47:51 2011 EST
Comments: First time I hear your music has been last summer in a 8 tracks cassete hidded dropped on a 1975 Eldo Cadillac I brought from NY. I must confes that you has been a new descover for my and I am loocking arround for buy some of your music. Thak you for surch happy evening on my old new car earing you voice. Good Bless you.

Name: gayle lilley
Location: dallas, texas
Submitted: Mon Jan 17 0:34:51 2011 EST
Comments: love your music,hey there lonely girl & since i dont have you, love all the oldies from all the great groups, singer. thank you for such great music

Name: tom
Location: florida
Submitted: Sun Jan 9 19:09:40 2011 EST
Comments: just an old man looking for old /great music, thanks eddie, it lasts forever.

Name: Ken A. Craig
Location: London, Ontario. CANADA
Submitted: Mon Dec 27 15:20:24 2010 EST
Comments: Eddie, `Hey There Lonely Girl` was `our song` for my high school sweetheart Patty and myself since we first heard it in 1970. I bought the 45rpm and then the LP which I still have! In October 2011 we will be celebrating our 40th Wedding Anniversary and I'm sure we will have a special dance to Hey There Lonely Girl once again! Thanks for the memories. We hope to see you perform in person some day. It's incredible how you can sound even better today!! You're truly a remarkable and gifted entertainer, and I'm sure there are still millions of Eddie Holman fans around the world. At least 2 here in London Canada!! God Bless you and your family always. Patty & Ken Craig

Name: Toni Martin
Location: Pennsylvania
Submitted: Mon Dec 6 13:46:17 2010 EST
Comments: Eddie had the privledge of seeing you Friday night At the state Theatre in Uniontown Pa .. brought back so many great menories .. Thank You May God Continue to Bless you...

Name: Michael Connor
Location: Tarpon Springs, FL, United States
Submitted: Sat Dec 4 13:00:54 2010 EST
Comments: Dear Mr. Holman, I am a 13 year old who loves soul music. You are one of the ones that got me into soul, thank you for that. I wanted to thank you for sharing your talent with everbody. I also wanted to thank you for singing `Hey There Lonely Girl`. `Hey There Lonely Girl` was my mom's favorite childhood song. It is also one of my favorite songs. I much rather here you and your soul partners than rap. Thank You and Best Regards, Michael Connor

Name: LB Johnson
Location: Atlanta, GA
Submitted: Fri Nov 19 4:19:52 2010 EST
Comments: Dear Mr. Holman, Listening to you sing, `Hey there, lonely girl` could make me cry as a young girl. After listening to your live performance on You-Tube, you still can. Your voice is so touching and tender, truly beautiful. May God continue to bless you mightily, and may your gift of song continue to feed a hungry and hurting world. Thank you so very, very much!!!

Name: Issa
Location: Jordanian living in Qatar
Submitted: Mon Nov 15 7:54:15 2010 EST
Comments: Hello Eddie It is really an honor to write to you Till now could not find a song that can replace `I love you what more can I say` from my favourite listening CD. It is the best and there will never be a better song. Who put the lyrics and the music. I am sure he is a genius. Your performance in this son is great and a wonder. Wish you the best of luck, Issa

Name: Conner Rooney
Location: England,gloucester
Submitted: Wed Oct 20 18:19:20 2010 EST
Comments: Dear Eddie its a pleasure,I am 15 and a massive Northern Soul fan and to speak to you is awesome cheers for your wonderful music like hold me in your arms which i have on the sevens label and where im not wanted etc keep strong all the best c.

Name: charla troyano
Location: pennsyvania
Submitted: Sat Oct 16 5:20:36 2010 EST
Comments: All I wish to express to you Eddie Holman is that I love you!!! I was 15 years old and attending Andrew Jackson High School in Queens N.Y. when `This Can't Be True` was released...It blew everyone completely away. I became a devoted fan of yours from that time on and I own every song you ever recorded. I will not say you're the greatest vocalist I have ever heard in my life because you already must know this. Modesty notwithstanding. I will say when I listen to your music it takes me back to a simpler time. A time of youth and of strength and of beauty which as a young person I took for granted and why not? Youth was our right and we had the privilege to enjoy its exquisite delights. It is a blessing from God to have such talent and it is also a blessing to be able to enjoy amazing music and voice. I agree with you when you say that whatever gifts we possess should be used to glorify our Creator who gives good gifts to us all! I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and after reading your biography I see you are a spiritual man as well. May God continue to bless you. Wishing you and your family the best regards Mr. Holman! Respectfully yours, Mrs. Charla Troyano (Earley when I first `met` you lol)

Name: Llanos
Location: Bronx, New York
Submitted: Sun Sep 26 19:05:50 2010 EST
Comments: I first heard you on a 45rpm back in 1966. The songs were, Don't Stop Now and I'm a Loser. I was 12 years old and I was instantly amazed at your singing. You have such a beautiful voice and you have stood the test of time with grace. Mr. Holman, you have preserved well the gift the Holy Father has given you. Thank you you much for sharing it and my God bless you always.

Name: Bob & Diane
Location: England
Submitted: Fri Sep 24 22:49:22 2010 EST
Comments: Hi, Your song ` Hey there lonely girl ` was the one we danced ( up close ) to every weekend as teenage sweethearts. Now we have been together 40 years, have 2 children and a grandson, and hearing your voice sing those words brings it all back, so clear. Thankyou Eddie. You helped us to fall very deeply in love with one another !

Name: Dean
Location: South Jersey / Philly
Submitted: Wed Sep 8 16:37:25 2010 EST
Comments: Helloe, Eddie. do you remember Joseph Vetere ? He played Cello on your recording of 'Lonely Girl' he has passed, but he was my Grandfather. He Worked © the Shubert & Locust theatres & on Broadway, too.

Name: Sharon Wall
Location: Greensburg, PA 15601
Submitted: Sun Aug 29 23:53:38 2010 EST
Comments: Good talking to you, Eddie!! Thank you for the encouraging words!! God bless you and your wife! Sharon

Name: Stuart Singer
Location: Southampton, PA
Submitted: Thu Jul 29 2:52:21 2010 EST
Comments: I met you a couple times when I worked for Hopkins Ford Lincoln Mercury in Jenkintown, PA as an Internet Sales Manager next to Johnny O's office. I hope you and your family are doing well.

Name: SteveJones
Location: Worcestershire, UK
Submitted: Thu Jun 10 15:09:27 2010 EST
Comments: Just saw Eddie performing Hey There Lonely Girl on Youtube - The mixture of his talent, the fantastic song & the memories it evokes brought a lump the size of a watermelon to my throat. Thanks Eddie for using your talent to bring so much pleasure to so many people. Please post any upcoming tour dates on the site.Steve

Name: Jim Cassese
Location: Jackson,NJ
Submitted: Mon May 17 22:17:55 2010 EST
Comments: I saw you perform at the Keswick Theatre on May 8,2010. I was in the first row. You were unbelievable.You sounded like a young man and put on quite a performance. God bless you.

Name: Linda Coleman
Location: Pittsburgh
Submitted: Fri Apr 30 21:06:41 2010 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie, I loved your show in Canonsburg. I have loved Lonely Girl for years and years!

Name: Cheryl Hajduk
Location: Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
Submitted: Mon Apr 26 19:22:35 2010 EST
Comments: I saw you last night in Canonsburg at Canon McMillan High School and you were fabulous! I get chills every time I hear Hey There Lonely Girl. I am anxiously waiting to get your Love Story CD. God Bless! Cheryl

Name: Vicky Bershok
Location: Canonsburg, Pa
Submitted: Mon Apr 26 3:39:14 2010 EST
Comments: Saw you at Canon-Mac High School. Loved the show! Thank you so much for thr autograph.

Name: Sis
Location: Charleroi, Pa
Submitted: Sun Apr 25 19:02:27 2010 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie I just wanted to tell you how great your show was at the Palace Theater in Greensburg Pa on April 22nd. And aslo for signing my book.

Name: Jamie Walls
Location: Tyrone PA
Submitted: Sat Apr 24 18:58:55 2010 EST
Comments: Really enjoyed your performance last night in State College Pa. Thank you so much for taking the time to sign autographs and for taking a picture with me. Loved your performance. Thanks again Eddie! Take care and god bless.

Name: anita abbott
Location: Springfield,Ohio USA
Submitted: Sun Mar 28 18:33:22 2010 EST
Comments: I am continuosly moved to tears when i hear `hey there lonely girl`.It is a blessing to have a voice that continues to pull the heartstrings of so many fans. Keep on doing what you are doing.

Name: brian
Location: england
Submitted: Sat Mar 20 8:46:49 2010 EST
Comments: just want to say u do the best live records ever i realy like lonley girl i listen to your songs every day for ageas from brian everyone welcome to eddie s guest book

Name: Kim Newhouse
Location: Hatfield, PA
Submitted: Wed Mar 17 1:22:34 2010 EST
Comments: Hello Eddie!!! Hope to see your show soon.

Name: peter brennan
Location: Stockport England
Submitted: Mon Mar 15 20:32:35 2010 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie, I am a Northern Soul fan here in England, and have had the privilege of seeing you twice. What a star you are, and enjoy what your calling to the church is now!

Name: susie davis
Location: Chicago
Submitted: Thu Mar 11 16:47:52 2010 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie....I love your song....`Hey There ....Lonely Girl!!!`....it is so great!!!!! I't so nice to see artists and songs from my generation, still are impacting the WORLD!!! I hope to see your show one day. Best Wishes from a 'NOT-SO'...`Lonely Girl`...'Doo Wop' and the 'Oldies' keep me NOT LONELY!!!!...forever a fan..susie

Name: netty
Location: nottinghamshire
Submitted: Mon Mar 1 2:13:53 2010 EST
Comments: hi, just havuing a nostalgia moment, so thanks for that!

Name: harry
Location: Liverpool
Submitted: Sat Feb 13 9:48:34 2010 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie I am at work at the moment one of the guys just started singing hey there lonely girl out of the blue which then prompted us to start searching for you. Just one question really will you ever be touring liverpool soon went to see the david Guest show lst year and it was great seeing all my boy hood memories playing live before my very eyes. Would be great to see you soon

Name: kev woods
Location: sleaford england
Submitted: Tue Feb 9 19:51:42 2010 EST
Comments: just got back from the butlins weekender in skegness and the choice was eddie or richard street ex temps in the other room and boy was i pleased i watched eddie, for a guy of 63 he can still belt out those tunes and still hit those notes,he was awsome, it was along time since i last saw him when he was promoting htlg at the top rank plymouth in 1973 , but it was worth the wait.many thanks my friend especially for the northern soul memories too. kev

Name: James Ryan
Location: Tuckerton, NJ
Submitted: Mon Dec 14 0:04:47 2009 EST
Comments: I had the privledge of seeing you perform that outstanding piece for PBS. Your music has touched countless people through the past fifty years. I admire your humility and love for our Lord. May our Lord continue to shower you and your family with many blessings. Keep up the Great Work. James Ryan

Name: dave
Location: Dagenham london uk
Submitted: Sun Dec 13 11:50:22 2009 EST
Comments: hes a sick guy see him on the 11th of December he is 1 great entertainer he was there with a couple of guys Alexander o'neal Kenny Thomas n Andy burcot FIRST TIME I SEE HIM WOULD DEFINITELY GO AGAIN AND AGAIN EDDIE HIT THE HIGH NOTES HOLMAN GOD BLESS THANKS FOR A GREAT SHOW

Name: Nick Bramwell
Location: cheshire UK
Submitted: Mon Dec 7 11:59:27 2009 EST
Comments: Saw Eddie for the first time in Southport and I have to say...what an absolute star! Eddie is not from me era, Im in my mid-thirties but he could teach some of these wannabies something about humility, manners and presence. A true gentlemen on stage and what a voice. It was great listening to his stories about the songs and their histories. If you get a chance to see this legend do so....

Name: Rob McCann
Location: Cardiff, Wales UK
Submitted: Sat Dec 5 10:14:41 2009 EST
Comments: Wow, just awesome watching you on You Tube, So amazing, Im not ashamed to admit I had tears in my eyes watching and listening, so powerfull. Ok now, when are we going to get the chance to see the Great Eddie Holman in Cardiff Wales UK ?? Best Wishes to You..and Thanks For All Your Music,God Bless...Rob UK

Name: Squirrel The Pearl
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Submitted: Tue Oct 27 12:45:37 2009 EST
Comments: I woke up this morning with `Hey There Lonely Girl` on my mind. I went to You-Tube to see if you were there, and to my surprise, there you were. I listened to the song at least five times. I was amazed that you've still got it. You are one heck of a guy, and you've been making my wife and me happy for many years. God bless you brother.

Name: Mark Ward
Location: Folkestone, Kent
Submitted: Fri Oct 23 0:41:29 2009 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie, You are a brillian singer. I love singing `Hey there lonely girl` on karaoke. The audience love it. I wish I could sing it as good as you do. I was born in 1974 and I am a huge fan. Mark

Name: Kathi
Location: Atlanta, GA
Submitted: Sun Oct 18 15:00:48 2009 EST
Comments: I was at the Doo Wop 'n Georgia show last night. You were fabulous! Your talent is truly a gift from God which you freely acknowledged in the most touching way. Chills ran down my spine when I heard your golden voice - thank you so much for the great experience.

Name: Ron Blough
Location: Mechanicsburg, PA
Submitted: Tue Oct 6 16:49:44 2009 EST
Comments: Eddie: We saw you i concert at the Amereican Music Theater in LAncaster last Saturday night. You were awesome! My wife has been a long-time fan of yours and so am I. We especially want to thank you for giving credit where it is due: you publicly acknowledged that you said a pray every time before you perform that the Lord would allow you to use the gift He gave you to give Him glory. Thank you so much for your testimony, especially in an age when it's not considered cool to thank God for His blessings. You are a true artist and witness. thanks again for a wonderful evening, and may God bless you richly! Blessings, Ron and Lorraine

Name: Elaine
Location: Los Angeles
Submitted: Thu Sep 3 22:41:40 2009 EST
Comments: PLEASE, PLEASE, Have one concert in LA or OC somewhere. Would just love to see you perform live. Have put you on my wish list at TICKETMASTER..........thank you so much for the memories

Name: Eve
Location: Washington, DC
Submitted: Mon Aug 17 17:24:48 2009 EST
Comments: I was 10 years old when `Hey There Lonely Girl` came out, and it's a classic. But I later discovered a host of other wonderful ballads by you that I love too, that shouldn't go unrecognized. `You Make My Life Complete`, `It's Over`, and my all-time vocal, `This Can't Be True`, just to name a few. Your vocal range on that song is SICK! The props you deserve are long overdue. I'm glad to see you are still out there doing it and doing it well. God bless you!

Name: Jorge
Location: Brazil, South America
Submitted: Fri Aug 7 2:32:34 2009 EST
Comments: Hy, Eddie! You're the best. Thanks, from Brazil!

Name: Joey Hill
Location: Pittsburgh
Submitted: Sat Aug 1 18:20:39 2009 EST
Comments: Well Eddie, We're still alive and kicking. Good to see you looking sooo dapper. great website!! Hope all is well with you and Sheila. I just love that girl!! My best to all of you, joey hill

Name: Louis Harvey
Location: Philadelphia
Submitted: Thu Jul 23 0:03:58 2009 EST
Comments: Hello Eddie, Just stopping by to show some support for this awesome site you have assembled. Your contribution to the industry is a blessing in itself. Keep on blessing us with your music from above. Thumbs up my friend. Your Mail Carrier.

Name: MARY
Submitted: Mon Jul 13 20:54:48 2009 EST

Name: maxime
Location: paris france
Submitted: Tue Jun 30 15:30:37 2009 EST
Comments: hi everyone, i just listening four walls and there's no word for this song, simple but so extraordinary so groooovy thanx mister holman, i will listen the rest of your discography with a real pleasure as we say in france c'est la trés grande classe

Name: KAY
Submitted: Sun Jun 21 20:07:55 2009 EST

Name: james ryan
Location: london england
Submitted: Fri Jun 19 15:09:21 2009 EST
Comments: god bless you eddie , your music and voice has been with me since i was young . just heard your interview with dave brown on solarradio.com . james

Name: fiona meek
Location: staffordshire
Submitted: Fri Jun 19 15:08:20 2009 EST
Comments: hi eddie, just listening to your interview with dave brown on solar radio it has been really good hearing you, your voice is still magic. take care xx

Name: Ron Logan
Location: Vancouver BC
Submitted: Sun May 17 6:36:48 2009 EST
Comments: Hi Mr Holman: I'll tell you what I like while watching you perform. first, your incredible talent, secondly, the pure joy you bring to the faces of the audience. Makes me feel good. I wish you could make it up to the Vancouver area (or Seattle) Thanks for your sincere, great music. Ron

Name: cLuMsY Joel
Location: Bristol, England
Submitted: Thu May 14 18:11:53 2009 EST
Comments: Hey There I'm a huge fan of the Eddie Holman song, 'Four Walls' and was just wondering if any one knew what year the track was recorded and/or released. Many thanks in advance...

Name: robin e core
Location: philadelphia
Submitted: Mon Feb 23 17:08:29 2009 EST
Comments: Hello my name is Robin. I'm writing to ask if you know of a song cathy or cathy called. I don't know if this is the name I can give you some of the lyrics. `Cathy called & the world is mine again. She said baby stay were your at cause I'm coming back to you. When I told her how much I missed the why that we kissed she said me too. Cathy called

Name: M.T. Simmons
Location: The Woodlands, TX, USA
Submitted: Sun Feb 15 3:23:43 2009 EST
Comments: I've been a fan since college; `Hey There Loney Girl` never fails to remind me of my lovely wife, whom was a dream back then. Thanks for the memories. Mark

Name: Robert Russell
Location: Pasadena, California USA
Submitted: Mon Feb 2 7:53:37 2009 EST
Comments: So glad you are still doing it, Rev. Holman. May God continue to bless you and your family with great health, joy, and abundance, even as we are still blessed with your superb performance of `Hey There Lonley Girl`. A classic in every sense of the word.

Name: sandra & mick
Location: harlow essex uk
Submitted: Wed Jan 14 16:51:40 2009 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie my partner and myself enjoyed very much seeing you and all the other fantasic ledgends at the O2 on Mon Eve ''David Gest my life show'' Wow what a night we absolutly loved it can't remember ever enjoying such a Night, god bless you and your family xx

Name: Chrissie
Location: London, England
Submitted: Tue Jan 13 11:07:54 2009 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie, Saw you last night in the My LIfe show at the 02 and really enjoyed to trip down memory lane to all the songs from my youth. You sounded exactly as you always have (and looked very good as well !!) Just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful evening of music.

Name: Frankie Dee
Location: Boston, Ma.
Submitted: Tue Jan 6 10:34:59 2009 EST
Comments: I would like to thank you for so many wonderful recordings you have made. My favorite song is I'll Call You Joy. I wish you would Re-Record this song so it could readily be available for people to hear it. You were at the top of your proffesion when you recorded this song.I listen to this song every day & made a cd to play in my automobile. Please,Please Re-Record this song on a CD. I'll be the first one to Buy it. You are great,Frankie Dee

Name: M.C
Location: U.S.A
Submitted: Fri Nov 28 1:33:35 2008 EST
Comments: Hey there Mr. Eddie Iam a boy who is eleven and I am a big fan of your song Hey There Lonely Girl . I listen to it every day morning and night. Thanks for singing that song I love that song so much Mr. Eddie. Please put a cd of Hey There Lonely Girl in the stores because I want to own a copy of the song to sleep with , Thanks

Name: Carol Durkin
Location: Lakemoor, IL
Submitted: Tue Oct 21 18:05:37 2008 EST
Comments: Hey Eddie, I worked in CID at Prudential AARP Operations and I still remember the day you sang at the employee appreciation day. I said to my friend Chris Lyons, Gee he sounds just like the the guy and Chris said, ah that is because he IS the guy! Ah the good ol' days, huh?

Name: Dj Kevin Walden
Location: Brooklyn , NY
Submitted: Sat Sep 13 0:59:54 2008 EST
Comments: Besides your hits i have great love for `A night to remember` a great record which got plenty of air-play in nyc by white pop stations but frankie croker (wbls) at black stations fail to play it. As a dj i played this record first, middle and last to lift the spirits in the club while people would sing along. The dance florr was always packed with disco fans. It was my graduation song in 1979 at the end the night when i said good-bye to everybody.

Name: kim
Location: uk
Submitted: Sun Aug 31 13:52:55 2008 EST
Comments: Dear Mr Holman thankyou for two wonderful songs from my youth pre 76 I always loved Lonely Girl and All in the game by you Best wishes always x

Name: Larry
Location: Atlanta
Submitted: Wed Aug 20 15:26:51 2008 EST
Comments: Just wanted to say, I was in the military at the time Hey There Lonely Girl was recorded. Two songs that seemed to play continuously on the jukebox at the EM club was Hey There Lonely Girl and Rainy Night in Georgia by Brook Benton. They really made me home sick but at the same time were comforting.

Name: Linda Hutcherson
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Submitted: Mon Jul 14 9:41:45 2008 EST
Comments: Dear Eddie, I happened to be listening to an album called `The Big Show` on Rhapsody-an internet music program, and heard you sing `It's All in the Game.` WOW! When you went into those higher octaves, I cried. Truly a Gift from God.

Submitted: Sun Jun 22 22:57:22 2008 EST

Name: Cathy
Location: Chicago
Submitted: Thu Jun 5 16:44:50 2008 EST
Comments: Hey Eddie! I just heard `Hey There Lonely Girl` on the radio coming home from the store. Hadn't thought about you in over 30 years, but wanted you to know how much I have always enjoyed that tune.

Name: Peggy Stull
Location: New Castle, PA
Submitted: Tue May 13 2:40:24 2008 EST
Comments: I met a man at karaoke who inspired me to sing and be who I am, now I am inspiring him to get better so I can give him a kidney. He sings with his heart and loves your music! I am thrilled about your Gospel CD and will be purchasing one as a gift for him.He has blessed me with his kindness, Your music will encourage him and speak to his heart. You're amazing! Having it signed will thrill him even more! I will order soon. Thank you

Name: Ayman Sadek
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Submitted: Thu Apr 17 19:24:37 2008 EST
Comments: Dear Eddie, For years I know your voice, Your song `I love you` was my best song, Thanks to you

Name: John Centers
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Submitted: Tue Apr 8 6:27:49 2008 EST
Comments: Eddie, my wife & I really enjoyed your performance in the Nati with the 70's Soul Jam Tour. Your opening act was one of the highlites of the evening. You are One Talented Brother & still hit those high notes like you did in days gone by. You are in esteemed company with the likes of Cincinnati's own Ronald Isley and EWF's Philip Baily. Much Love & Respect My Brother!!!

Name: jackie moran
Location: london england
Submitted: Fri Apr 4 18:00:48 2008 EST
Comments: Dear Mr Holman you have just brought fond tears to my eyes watching you sing lonely girl on you tube im now nearly 52 and that song takes me back to probably some of the best days of my life thank you many people sing other peoples songs but there will never be anyone that can sing that song so beautiful as you please come back and sing it for us in England again some day
all my best wishes

Name: Martin Bailey
Location: London
Submitted: Fri Mar 28 21:34:45 2008 EST
Comments: It's late in the evening and I've just heard 'Lonely Girl' on the Music Choice channel over here. Have to say it brought back good memories of seeing you in 1992 in Bognor Regis with other stars from the 70s all those years ago - it would be great to relive memories of that occasion. Thanks Eddie - Martin.

Name: joan
Location: Wawa, Ontario Canada
Submitted: Tue Mar 25 9:33:37 2008 EST
Comments: I have always enjoyed the song lonely girl. I recently tried looking up this song and was able to listen to it on my facebook site. I then noticed an older man at Heinz Hall and there you were singing lonely girl. I didn't get to watch the entire clip but what I did see was totally awesomw and I KNEW THERE WERE ANGELS PUSHING YOUR VOCALS CORDS TO GET THAT RIGHT SOUND....I ALSO KNEW THAT YOU WERE GIVING THANKS TO THE CREATOR FOR HELPING YOU GET THAT RIGHT NOTE....YES...YOU MADE ME CRY. THANKS EDDIE XOXO

Name: Kathy
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Submitted: Mon Mar 24 17:10:52 2008 EST
Comments: My hushand and I just saw you in Cleveland. You were wonderful even without your fancy clothes. Heard you will be coming to Pittsburgh in May. No one seems to have any details though. My husband's new favorite song of yours is `Eternal Love` which one of our DJ's plays every Sunday on 103.9.

Name: David A. Corlett
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Submitted: Mon Mar 17 12:05:54 2008 EST
Comments: Mr. Holman, It was a pleasure to meet you and i sincerely enjoyed the time we spent chatting outside your hotel. It was uplifting for me to meet someone as down to earth as you and i wish you a long and healthy career.
Sergeant David A. Corlett
Cincinnati Police Department

Name: Charles Hairston
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Submitted: Sun Mar 16 20:18:31 2008 EST
Comments: Eddie, again it was wonderful to see you and be blessed with your performance. For those of us who are old school, you already know that you captured our hearts 40 years ago, but I dare say that you have also captured the imagination of our younger generation for as you sang last night, I looked around me and saw young people dumbstruck with awe. All I could do was smile to myself and say `Right on Brother!` May you and your family continue to be blessed with good health and success.

Name: Jerry & Sue Smith
Location: Cincinnati
Submitted: Sat Mar 15 20:33:42 2008 EST
Comments: The usher said that the Emotions wouldn't be appearing March 14 in Cincinnati and we naturally asked who would be in their place. When he said Eddie Holman we went nuts! It has always been a dream to see you in person. We have everything you've ever released and the depth of your talent, besides your incredible voice, is not as well known as it should be. Writing, producing, arranging, you've done it all. The whole package and on top of that the sweetest most soaring falsetto in the business. Your performance certainly lived up to our expectations but we only wished that we could have had a full couple of hours of Eddie Holman. Guess we'll have to be satisfied with that until the next time. Thanks so much for coming to Cincinnati. God bless.

Name: Erica Harrison
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Submitted: Sat Mar 15 14:48:38 2008 EST
Comments: Hi Mr Holman. I saw you perform in Cincinnati on March 14, 2008 and I loved hearing you sing! You have a truly remarkable voice. I must admit, I didn't know who you were when the usher told us that you would be replacing the Emotions, but when I heard you sing, I knew exactly who you were! See, I was born in 1971, but I grew up hearing my mother play you records. `Hey there lonely girl` is still one of my favorite songs to this day. They don't make good music like that anymore, that's why I keep my `oldies but goodies` CD's in my car. Well, you look great and you sound great! Keep doing your thing and I look forward to seeing you perform again one day!

Name: Larry Vidal
Location: London, UK
Submitted: Thu Feb 21 18:17:51 2008 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie, It's great to be able to ask you a question. Have you ever sung with either The Delphonics or The Stylistics? And can you please tell me any other interesting facts about yourself? 'Hey There Lonely Girl' is one of the best pure soul records ever made. Kind regards
Larry Vidal
Presenter on Hayes FM

Name: Anthony
Location: Gonzales,CA
Submitted: Tue Feb 19 1:50:28 2008 EST
Comments: Hey Eddie I Saw You In San Jose At The HP Pavilion You Sounded Great My Favorite Was `Hey There Lonely Girl` Maybe One Day You Could Come Back To This Area It Was My Second Real Concert But First Oldies And First One In San Jose And It Was Great I Even Got A Cool Shirt And We Got A DVD So Thanks For Coming To San Jose,CA We All Enjoyed You And The Others So Don't Forget Us Over Here

Location: SBC Global
Submitted: Feb 18 2008 EST
Comments: This was my first time seeing you in person at the Super Valenties Luv Slow Jam in San Jose Cali at the H.P.Pavilion. I seen many old sckool performers every year at the concert in San Jose, But last night you put on a very nice show for the short time you had. The popular song Hey There Lonely Girl sound like the song was made today, it still sound good and better now with your high pitch voice and telling the audience last night you have to tighten your slendix underwear to get that high pitch voice and didn't have to scream into the mike. That was the best male single performer to put on a great show last night. I have to rate you more higher than Billy Paul singing Me and Mrs Jones when he perform that song a couple year ago when he came. I wish they ask you to come back next year to end the concert instead putting you way at the begining of the show. Please comeback, San Jose and the Bayareas want to show you all the luv for you..........

Name: Nelson
Location: Southwest Riverside Co., CA
Submitted: Sun Feb 10 19:16:39 2008 EST
Comments: I met Eddie Holman at Ontario Airport yesterday. What a charming person!! When I recognized his name on his passenger ticket, I asked if he was the same Eddie Holman as the singer. His face lit up and he said yes and then he offered his hand and we shook hands. One of his songs is one of my old-time favorites, titled `Hey there lonely girl.` God bless you Eddie. Keep up God's work by volunteering your talent and time to help America's youth realize their talent especially as musicians or singers. Nelson

Name: Francis E . Eichenberg
Location: Aliquippa PA.
Submitted: Tue Dec 25 10:52:23 2007 EST
Comments: The first time I meet you was in aliquippa. Then after was the emarld room with Jonny Angal And The Halows. You signed my cd I Love You. I wish I brough my 45 record This can't be true. Maybe next time. Your's truely Francis

Name: Kathy
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Submitted: Fri Dec 14 13:44:37 2007 EST
Comments: Eddie: We miss you here in Pittsburgh. When will you be back. One of our DJ's plays Eternal Love every Sunday. It's a beautiful song. All of your songs are great.

Name: Brandy Fuqua
Location: Houston, Texas
Submitted: Thu Nov 8 16:08:30 2007 EST
Comments: Your hit `Hey There Lonely Girl` is so beautiful and you recieved a gold record for that song on my birthday in 1970. I know this because I am having to do a PowerPoint Presentation on my birthday in school and I found your name and flipped out! Thank you for your wonderful hits and albums! Brandy Fuqua :)

Name: don lheureux
Location: groton mass
Submitted: Fri Nov 2 23:42:27 2007 EST
Comments: lonely girl still gives me chills-i was 9 when i first heard it and i still well up listening to it almost 40 years later--thank you

Name: Pete Jay & Little Av
Location: West Yorkshire, England
Submitted: Wed Oct 31 20:26:47 2007 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie, Great Website. We are 2 DJs over here in England where we play 'Northern Soul' music including your records. Have you any plans to visit our country as it would be great to catch your live performance. Keep The Faith Pete Jay & Little Av

Name: Elizabeth Hopkins
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Submitted: Thu Oct 18 21:21:22 2007 EST
Comments: You're gifted with the voice of an Angel and I have loved that voice all of my life. Thank you.

Name: carl
Location: winchester ohio
Submitted: Fri Oct 12 17:18:57 2007 EST
Comments: my 2 favorete songs of eddie's is this can't be true girl and don't stop now.i pray someday i can get the cd eddie's my name.i have been praying really hard for it.eddie is a greatest soul man.thanks eddie for the wonderful music over the years.your fan carl

Name: Katy & Paul
Location: Beaverton, OR
Submitted: Fri Oct 5 12:57:55 2007 EST
Comments: Eddie, We just returned from our 25th Anniversary Alaskan Cruise on the Sun Princess, on which we were privileged and blessed to experience your show and your awesome talent - twice! Thank you for your fabulous performance, wonderful spirit, and for being a major contributor to some of the best memories of our anniversary celebration. We hope to be `singing` as happily about each other, as you do about your wife Sheila, when we are at 41 years of marriage! We're certainly heading in the right direction - as we are more in love now than ever! You're an excellent example of a man walking his talk in faith as you touch so many with your gifts of music, compassion, and fun! Thank you for touching our lives in such a special way. You're the best! Blessings to you and yours - Katy & Paul
Name: Britt
Location: Wichita Ks
Submitted: Thu Sep 6 21:39:23 2007 EST
Comments: Just listening to Hey there lonely girl. What a great song. So much better than the many of the vile songs they call music today. God Bless.

Name: George DeDominicis
Location: Ct.
Submitted: Wed Sep 5 21:15:27 2007 EST
Comments: Dear Pastor Holman It is with a sad heart that I tell you my lovely bride of 33 years has gone on to Christ. She and I both love you. Thank you so very much for signing the CD at Oakdale for her , and for your show at the Sun. We missed that one, Maureen was in the hospital , sadly she never came home to me.. Your all time Greatest Hey there Lonely Girl, now means so much more to me, you will never know.. I still try to sing it with you and choke up every time because I'm singing Hey There Lonely Boy sorry to take that from you but it truely fits. I love you Pastor, Maureen Loves You still... Hey ther Lonely, Lonely Boy Let me make your Lonely Heart Fell.. I just can't any more, Eddie I hope I see you one more time, Just one. Love you George from Ct.

Name: Clarence Williams
Location: Santa Ana, California USA
Submitted: Sat Sep 1 14:17:25 2007 EST
Comments: I was watching the PBS Doo Wop special one night. Tapping my toes and smiling as I listened to all my favorite artists. They saved the best for last. When you ripped through Hey There Lonely Girl, still hitting every note like it was 1970 I had to jump out of my seat and yell, YES! I was clapping and smiling. You are blessed with such a beautiful voice and you continue to make so many people happy when ever you open your mouth. Over the years I've managed to track down your original 45's and albums. I was so happy to see the Cameo Parkway box set release. I bought it mainly for your songs. I hope they release a single cd of your hits and album tracks. Regards. Clarence Williams

Name: Carolyn McMenamin & John
Location: Media Pa
Submitted: Fri Aug 24 9:26:49 2007 EST
Comments: We were on the Sun Princess with our son Jeff from Az and his wife Linda and enjoyed your show very much. We were there celebrating our 50th anniversary thanks to our 3 wonderful children and their spouses. Enjoying your music brought back memories and made our trip a bit more enjoyable.

Name: hamid ebrahim-zadeh
Location: Houston, Texas
Submitted: Wed Aug 22 23:36:56 2007 EST
Comments: The `I Love You` album introduced me to your music & amazing voice back in '75 when I was 11 in Tehran,Iran!! I introduced your music to many back then & today it still sounds sweet & brings back the good old memories. May God bless you in your future endeavors. Sincerely, Hamid Ebrahim-zadeh

Name: Tim Pottorff (Bandmaster)
Location: Dallas, TX
Submitted: Wed Aug 22 17:29:27 2007 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie, Man was it a pleasure to work with you onboard the Sun Princess (June 24 -August 12). Night after night you continued to amaze me and the band with your golden voice. (I still laugh at the fact that you don't ever warm up.) Like you said to me backstage...'If I can't sing by now, I need to get in another business...' I am now back home in Dallas enjoying the family and playing some jazz. Thanks again for your friendship. I hope we work together again. Sincerely, Tim Pottorff

Name: Jeff McMenamin
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Submitted: Sat Aug 18 14:20:47 2007 EST
Comments: Hello Eddie, Greetings ! My wife, and parents were impressed with your show last week on the Sun Princess (Aug 5th sailing). We were on the sailing to celebrate their 50th Wedding anniversary ! We thoroughly enjoyed your performance including the interaction with the audience and hearing your sincere words, thoughts on missing your wife. Keep on keeping on ! Best to you always... Jeff & Linda.

Name: Barb and John Arnott
Location: Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Submitted: Mon Aug 13 22:41:53 2007 EST
Comments: Eddie, We just saw you last week (the week of Aug. 5th) on the Sun Princess, and both myself and my husband thought you were fantastic! Not only are you an outstanding singer you are so talented with talking to people. We hope to see you again someday. Do you ever perform in Canada, possibly Toronto at all? Again Eddie thanks for the entertainment of 2 beautiful evenings! Barb and John

Name: Marie
Location: NYC
Submitted: Fri Jul 13 19:45:18 2007 EST
Comments: Eddie - Just heard Lonely Girl on the new (or old) WCBS-FM tonight, which just came back on the air yesterday. Thought you'd like to know that you're back on NY's oldies station, sounding as great as ever. Best, Marie

Name: Pamela
Location: Loveland Ohio
Submitted: Mon Jul 9 12:18:28 2007 EST
Comments: Eddie, I am amazed at the beauty that still lingers in your voice. I would be flattered and honored to put you on my music myspace business site..If you have videos or mp3s I will place them there as well. I enjoy the music that has kept our hearts joyful and spirits flying high, and you qualify definitely. You are an attribute to the business and I respect anyone who can hit the notes the way you always have. With Love, Pamela Mist Talent Enterprises

Name: donna z
Location: auburn, ma
Submitted: Wed Jun 13 18:56:54 2007 EST
Comments: I saw you in concert at the Mohegan 6/9/07. You are still a fantastic singer. I totally enjoyed the show. Hope to see you in more Bowzer shows. Many thanks. Donna

Name: ray smith
Location: hudson n.h. 03051
Submitted: Mon Jun 11 8:10:32 2007 EST
Comments: hi we were at bowzers rock and rool party you were the the best loved your performance jest like 1969 thanks for the memories don't stop want to see you soon

Name: Sue
Location: Palmer, MA
Submitted: Sun Jun 10 19:53:37 2007 EST
Comments: You were dynamic last night at the Mohegan Sun. I hope to see you again...

Name: Jen B
Location: Hamden, CT
Submitted: Sun Jun 10 13:02:41 2007 EST
Comments: My husband and I caught your appearance at Bowzer's Rock & Roll Party at Mohegan Sun last night and you were a highlight of the show!

Name: Eddie C
Location: Rhode Island
Submitted: Sun Jun 10 3:02:56 2007 EST
Comments: Mr. Holman, I just wanted to let u know that I caught your show at Bowsers Rock and Roll Party in CT., and your were great. I never seened a Rock and Roll Show and I really loved it. Thank You And hav a good night..

Name: Kevin Dunsmuir
Location: East Gwillimbury, Ontario, Canada
Submitted: Wed Jun 6 7:25:25 2007 EST
Comments: Last weekend my wife and I had friends up to our cottage, friends that we had not been in touch with for some 23 years. We ended up out on our boat in the middle of the lake, playing some great old tunes. My friend told me wistfully that his very favourite tune of all time is Hey There Lonely Girl. Without a word, I skipped ahead to the best song on my CD and your wonderful song spilled out over the water for all to hear. My friend and I were in our glory and your song was a great completion to a great weekend. Thanks, Eddie.

Location: greenford(london)
Submitted: Thu Apr 19 6:55:24 2007 EST
Comments: lonely girl great song one of my all time favs
regards Mick

Name: kevin leonard
Location: birmingham england
Submitted: Sun Apr 8 23:16:48 2007 EST
Comments: great man thank you

Name: Betty
Location: Chicago
Submitted: Thu Mar 15 12:03:36 2007 EST
Comments: I saw you a couple of years ago on one the PBS
Specials produced by T. J. Lubinsky. When you sang, `Hey There Lonely Girl,` tears began to fall. I was overwhelmed with a flood of wonderful memories. I hadn't heard that song in years (since I was a teenager back in the 60's). I am so happy to hear that you are serving GOD in such a AWESOME WAY through your role as PASTOR! Bless you for using your gift to Honor GOD and for being such an INSPIRATION to young people everywhere (especially those hoping to become entertainers).
May GOD continually BLESS you and your family!

Name: veron
Location: Manchester, England
Submitted: Sat Mar 10 5:51:43 2007 EST
Comments: I first heard `Hey there lonely girl` as a teenager and fell in love with the song instantly. I have just recently bought another copy of this and it brings back lots of nice memories, thanks for a great song.

Name: Stephen
Location: England
Submitted: Fri Mar 9 14:04:59 2007 EST
Comments: I met my wife while Eddie's recording of lonley girl was playing at the dance in 1974, we are still going strong married for 28 years now, wonderful man

Name: Mikael
Location: Stockholm, SWEDEN
Submitted: Mon Mar 5 17:21:17 2007 EST
Comments: Great, You are just one of the very best soul singers ever. Thank You for magic moments and hang on in there, babe.



Name: Ben
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Submitted: Sun Mar 4 21:39:15 2007 EST
Comments: I'm a big soul fan, and I just discovered your record `I Love You` from 1969 - great stuff! I'm going to blog about you tomorrow. www.adeepershadeofsoul.blogspot.com

Name: Rick
Location: Binghamton, NY
Submitted: Sun Feb 18 3:12:33 2007 EST
Comments: I had the pleasure of seeing your concert at Tioga Downs. Your a very special person on and off the stage. Hope you come back, That was an unforgetable night. Your voice makes the world a better place. Thank You.

Name: Micheal & Michelle
Location: Las Vegas Nv.
Submitted: Fri Feb 16 2:00:42 2007 EST
Comments: My wife an I enjoyed your performance in Las Vegas 2/4/07 and wanted to thank you for a great show. thank you.

Name: Ray
Location: connecticut
Submitted: Tue Feb 6 11:37:40 2007 EST
Comments: Mr Holman,
First time I saw you was last month on a cruise ship, Really enjoyed your show. Your music has brought me lots of good memories.
Congratluations on your 50th yr in show business.

Name: ken
Location: new jersey
Submitted: Sun Feb 4 22:40:18 2007 EST
Comments: Man, am I glad you are still around... and man, do you still have it! I saw you for the first time at the Touch of Class in Newark and, more recently, at the Big Show at Newark's Symphony Hall in 2002. I wish you were around more often. As someone else has noted, it would be great if you were able to put out a live album with a full set (or better yet, a DVD!). Then we could hear you do such great songs as `This Can't Be True (those are some changes!),` `Don't Stop Now,` and `Am I a Loser` - all written by you, if I'm not mistaken. I would be first in line (particularly if those tunes were on it).
Anyway, I had to put my two cents in. May God continue to bless you with good health and spirit. It's just so good to see veteran artists such as yourself not only still doin' it, but still doin' it well.

Name: Todd
Location: Minnesota
Submitted: Wed Jan 31 23:17:35 2007 EST
Comments: You're show on the NCL Dawn was very very good. Keep up the great work.

Name: Lisa Moore
Location: Birmingham, AL
Submitted: Wed Jan 24 0:39:56 2007 EST
Comments: I just saw you on TV at the Apollo. I had always heard the song, `Lonely Girl` as I was growing up. But when I saw you on TV last week....you blew me away. You have a very wonderful voice.....I can't keep it out of my head. Just want to say that you are great, and keep up the vocals......lol.
LOve ya, Lisa

Name: Sjoerd F. Pennekamp
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Submitted: Tue Jan 16 6:37:30 2007 EST
Comments: Dear Eddie,
Great to see you're still an active musician! I just fell in love with a few of your 60's songs (I Surrender and I'm not Gonna Give Up are on continuous repeat;). Hope to see you in Amsterdam one day. Keep up the good work!

Name: rosanna cline
Location: los angeles california
Submitted: Sat Jan 13 0:11:10 2007 EST
Comments: we love youre music play it all the time. at souldiesradio.net sincerley dj roe

Name: James Hayden
Location: Atlanta, GA
Submitted: Sun Dec 3 3:13:52 2006 EST
Comments: Greetings Mr. Holman. I just viewed your recent performance on Showtime at the Apollo in honor of your 50th year of entertaining. I always wondered who sung that beautiful song `Lonely Girl` that I hear from time to time on television and radio. I was born the year the song was a hit, 1970. To see you perform it was a delight. Your voice is as spectactular live as recorded. May God Continually Bless you.

Name: luc
Location: brussels
Submitted: Sun Nov 19 17:58:57 2006 EST
Comments: mister holman, you're a real singer...these days, few people are willing and able to lift people's spirits with their voice...you have that gift...`i surrender` is only two minutes long, but your voice is so captivating and full of emotion that it makes me want to dance...and surrender *s*.

Name: Brenda McKenzie
Location: Syracuse, NY USA
Submitted: Sun Nov 5 11:27:49 2006 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie. I do hope you will be coming back here to upstate, NY soon. missed you last time you were here. My sister and her family really enjoyed you. Your singing keeps getting better. I saw you on Showtime @ the Apollo, and really loved hearing you. looking forward to buying more of your music, and seeing you in person. God Bless you and your family

Name: Maxwell Rees
Location: Cambridge England.
Submitted: Wed Nov 1 10:51:31 2006 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie.I just bought the Weldon McDougall 111 tribute CD off ebay.Thrilled to discover how brilliant your Interpretations Of `Wanted In 3 States` and `Hurt` are.I saw you in Peterborough England about 15 years ago.Glad to see you are still active.My 12 inch Salsoul copy of `This Could Be A Night To Remember `is still a most treasured item...Thanks Eddie.Best Wishes.

Name: Dennis Shreve
Location: Colmbus, OH
Submitted: Mon Oct 30 11:06:40 2006 EST
Comments: My wife and I just got back from a 9-day cruise on the Crown Princess. One of the highights of the trip was your performance on October 24. The song `Hey There Lonely Girl` is one that everyone can easily recall as a top hit in 1969. You certainly have a great gift in your music, and thank you for sharing it with all of us. Sincerely, Dennis Shreve

Name: Merle & Rosemary Woodworth
Location: Durand, Michigan
Submitted: Wed Oct 18 9:01:40 2006 EST
Comments: We chatted with you after your show on the Coral Princess on the Sept. 28-Oct 13 cruise. We really enjoyed the show. Our talk with the the next day was a highlight for us. Thanks for the performance you did on the ship. We will look for you again sometime.

Name: John H Peacock
Location: Dallas, TX
Submitted: Thu Oct 12 13:10:25 2006 EST
Comments: when I first heard lonely girl, I was getting ready to go in the Marines, and had sorta let a girl get by. i was so undecided and didn't know her feelings but, was still on my mind. played the hell out of this song that night on the jukebox and still think it's a classic. wonderful.

Name: Per Ulv
Location: Norway
Submitted: Thu Oct 12 11:45:38 2006 EST
Comments: Today I went digging for records and I found the album `Lonely Girl`. I knew a couple of the tracks, but I never would have guessed it would be so great. This is classic soul.

Name: Susan
Location: Mobile, AL
Submitted: Mon Oct 9 21:14:47 2006 EST
Comments: I still love hearing your music as the decades pass. Ever since I heard Lonely Girl I was hooked. Thank you!

Name: Gareth Davies
Location: Manchester ENGLAND
Submitted: Mon Oct 9 16:28:41 2006 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie
I first got into your music as an older-kid in the early 70's. The sheer distinctiveness and power of emotion of `LONELY GIRL` was a trigger for my DJ'ing that has continued to this day.

WOW does that tune bring back memories--Not half- I even remember getting chucked to it!!

I often get requests and play your music regularly. If only I had a copy of ` I LOVE YOU` on CD I could do a whole lot more.
Can anybody out there help me get one please??
Please put these things on your list of `THINGS TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE`
(1) Do a new album with new material so future generations will have something fresh to chew the fat on long after guys like me have dropped off the perch
(2) Do a LIVE album for guys like me who have never caught your act for whatever reason ( mine is cos of a heavy workload)
(3) Come back to the UK soon and boost the Northern Soul scene

All the best Eddie Keep pumpin out the Soul and keep the faith.

Name: souad nasser
Location: Liban
Submitted: Thu Sep 14 0:54:37 2006 EST
Comments: La chanson I love you est la plus belle tout le temps. Je l'ecoute chaque jour depuis 30 ans et plus. Merci beaucoup

Name: Cuan Petersen
Location: South Africa
Submitted: Mon Sep 11 9:16:44 2006 EST
Comments: Eddie you are truly an inspiration i was just wondering when you plan on visiting South Africa, we would love to have you perform here.


Name: Benjamin Mareèek
Location: Europe, Czech rep., Prague
Submitted: Thu Sep 7 11:19:27 2006 EST
Comments: Hi, greetings from Prague. Recently, I came around some CD´s with gospel songs. I´d like to say, that I was deeply impressed by Your songs. It was a set called Mega Gospel, unfortunately there are only four songs (Thank You For Saving Me, United, Eternal Love, Holy Ghost). I especially appreciate piano accompaniment, it´s really fantastic!!! I´m going to buy more of Your songs!! Thank You. God Bless You

Name: Sgt. Gary nadler
Location: Nyc
Submitted: Fri Aug 25 3:11:57 2006 EST
Comments: Eddie still great after all these years. You and blue magic are #1 in my book.

Name: Manny and Janice Perlman
Submitted: July 2006 EST
Comments: My wife and I were on the Crown Princess celebrating our 30th anniversary and were extremely traumatized, having thought that we were going to die.  If it wasn't for your comforting, caring and "let's put life into perspective that we survived" performance that fateful evening we would have been even more profoundly mired in the trauma of the horrendous event... We are still suffering emotionally, physically and psychologically from the violent tilting of the ship...

I have been a Cantor and singer my entire life and have studied for many years with Celine Dion's teacher in NY (Bill Riley)... The moment you started singing was the first moment after the horrendous incident that I began to realize my wife and I had not died after all... Your voice (especially your falsetto) was so "uplifting" for all of us who attended your concert...

Name: Rick
Location: Narragansett, RI
e-mail: rmbeaupre@yahoo.com
Submitted: Mon Jul 24 18:33:57 2006 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie,
I just wanted to say it was a pleasure meeting you on the Crown Princess last week as we were disembarking in Port Canavaral. Please let me know when you will be in the New England area as my wife and I would love to come and see your performance. Best regards.

Name: karen
Location: birmingham. england
Submitted: Tue Jul 4 3:36:15 2006 EST
Comments: hi eddie, have just been lucky enough to get a copy of your album lonley girl and have to say how brilliant it is, some of the songs are so hauntingly beautiful and there is not one track that i dont like. i hope to be able to get some more of your work soon. all the very best. karen.

Name: Freddie Hale
Location: Laurel, Delaware
Submitted: Sat Jun 24 22:54:44 2006 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie, Our family Says Hi and we want to Thank You for you and your familys kindness and inspiration over the years which helped inspire our family to move on. Your Invite never expires. Keep the faith and keep supplying the world with beautiful music. Real `From the Heart` music.

Name: Chris Leslie
Location: Watford, England
Submitted: Wed May 31 16:16:31 2006 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie, I have only seen you live once, 1984 Queensway Hall, Dunstable, Uk. Do you remember that gig? I dj mostly early 60's RnB but play 60's soul sometimes. If you would have been at the Net Bar, London on Sunday 28.05.06 you would have bene in tears. Why? Well as it was a Bank Holiday in UK I knew the place would be packed. So fast 6t's soul t had to be.I am staggered that my Soul Sounds are going down so well.The place buzzing a I was getting lots of praise and applauded.I thought I wonder how people are gonna take this track which is `oldie` as it known in Uk if recordsare played from the Casino Days. Only one way to find out I thought - So I place the Cameo Parkway white demo on the deck. I noticed the last current record spinning had emptied the dance floor a little as it was slow. I wanted that so the track of your which is fast would launch like a rocket - fingers crossed. So as the slow track fades,I think to my self either this track will be accepted or I will be finished.I had faith in you Eddie.I push the button slide the fader,the record spins the drums roll I notice smile on faces and I thinks `welcome back to London Eddie` in you came..`hey hey hey listen all you girls` the place erupted in to applause and dancing he floor was packed.I will see Mr John Buck of RSG who booked you in 84 on Saturday so I will ask him if he will consider bringing you back to perform for the Northern Soul Scene in the Uk again? This Sunday I will spin one of your other once adored tracks that I have not heard played for many years..` I Surrender` and see how that goes down with Soulie's. I will let you know. I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed the 2minutes 48 seconds with crowd dancing and clapping along to Eddie's My Name? Soulie007.

Name: Doug & Linda Cassidy
Location: Port Richey, Florida
Submitted: Mon May 15 13:01:49 2006 EST
Comments: Dear Eddie,
Thanks for a great performance on Holland America's Oosterdam. We have always wanted to see you in person and hope we can see you again.

Name: Doug & Tracy Dame
Location: Lincoln, RI
Submitted: Fri Apr 28 8:05:31 2006 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie, we also got to see you on the Norwegian Dawn. We were very impressed. It was an honor to get to speak with you on Great Stirrup Cay. I hope to see you perform again.

Name: Glenn Roberts
Location: New York City
Submitted: Wed Apr 26 16:43:55 2006 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie, Just wanted to let you know how thrilled I was to see you perform live recently on the Norwegain Dawn. You still got it going on!! Thanks for the great CD and the picture that you took with my daughter! You are one of a kind!!

Name: Elidet.com
Location: world wide on da net!
Submitted: Sat Apr 22 13:46:46 2006 EST
Comments: Sending my love as a fan....thank you for the muscial contributions you have made! I love `Hey There Lonely Girl,` it was one of my favorites and I just heard it on the radio right now, 92.3 fm Hot Jamz. They don't make songs now a days like they used to, so just wanted to tell you I appreciate your music! Elidet.com

Name: wally H
Location: perth western australia
Submitted: Sat Apr 8 5:27:58 2006 EST
Comments: great site , thanks eddie.

Name: D-lace
Location: Jersey City, NJ
Submitted: Fri Mar 31 14:27:21 2006 EST
Comments: Im a hip hop head, so its automatic for me to love soul music, and i must say that `four walls` is one of my favorite songs of all time. Glad to see you still active in the business...thx for the great inspiration !

Name: Sergio Hernandez
Location: Rancagua, Chile (Sudamerica)
Submitted: Sun Feb 19 23:04:56 2006 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie!!!, I write you from Chile, only send you blessings and gratefulness. For a little time i have been listening your music and i like much, i have 20 years old and 5 listen soul music... and only wanted to tell you that here somebody love your great music; Blessings. Sergio (excuses by my badly English)

Name: Nickolas
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Submitted: Sat Feb 18 16:46:57 2006 EST
Comments: Mr. Holman, I adore your music. You are an inspiration to decent and honest people everywhere, and I find your song, `This Can't be True, Girl`, to be one of the greatest, that's right, greatest songs of all time in any genre. Thank you for everything. I look forward to seeing you in the city tonight!

Name: Soo E Soss
Location: Washington DC
Submitted: Fri Feb 17 8:03:18 2006 EST
Comments: Dear Sir, just want to say that you sound great and I would like to write a song for you to sing.
If you would like to hear my work go to www.broadjam.com click on search and type in Mature Nature and you can listen to the songs I write. God Bless you and don't stop the great work that your doing.

Name: Jim
Location: St. Louis, from Newark
Submitted: Fri Jan 27 22:35:30 2006 EST
Comments: Eddie, I just turned 50 and still love `Lonely Girl`. Thanks f/ some great memories!

Best to you and yours,

Name: Melanie
Submitted: Sun Jan 22 5:28:56 2006 EST
Comments: We love u Eddie!!!
Please come to Germany, we are waiting!!!
Sincerly, Melanie

Name: chris cornick
Location: southampton, England
Submitted: Wed Jan 18 18:04:53 2006 EST
Comments: eddie you really show talent, what
i mean by that is you are truly a showman. i manage and promote bands in England and i only wish that half had as much talent as you do and for so long( sorry i had to say that)but you were part of my growing up in the 70's and still apart of my adulthood. all the best and i hope we meet one day, chris cornick

Name: Jim & Sharon Brooks
Location: Paducah,KY
Submitted: Wed Jan 18 2:56:39 2006 EST
Comments: Had the great pleasure of being at your show the other night. Oh how we enjoyed it! You can still hit those high notes theres no doubt about it. Hope to see you again next year. ( By the way w e had a great 40 th anniversay) God Bless

Name: JC
Submitted: Wed Nov 23 2:05:31 2005 EST
Comments: My partner, the music pastor at our church, and I have several favorite falsetto voices through the years. Your is right at the top. It was great to find out you are a minister like myself.

Name: Rick & sue Shirey
Location: York, Pa
Submitted: Mon Nov 14 22:08:42 2005 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie,
We saw and heard you sing on Oct 22nd in York. You were great and brought back great memories of the 60's. Keep singing and make other people remember that era of music. By the way, the other night listening to the radio, They played `Hey there Lonely Girl` You hit the note then, and you can STILL hit it.
Thanks again!

Name: Phyllis Fisher
Location: South Jersey
Submitted: Mon Nov 7 13:16:27 2005 EST
Comments: Hello Eddie and Sheila. This is Phyllis, the young lady you met last Saturday evening on November 5, 2005, along with my sister, Marva. It was such a nice surprise, your remembering our names. I can

Name: Osie Griffin
Location: Cardova, Tennessee
Submitted: Tue Nov 1 12:43:59 2005 EST
Comments: Hi Minister Holman, I truly beleive that God has given you one of the greatest singing voices ever. May God continue to bless you.

Name: Lou & Melissa Castriota
Location: Dallastown PA
Submitted: Tue Oct 25 14:37:46 2005 EST
Comments: We really enjoyed your show in York on Oct 22.
You sound better than ever. Hey There Lonely Girl has been our favorite song since we began dating in 1969. We have been married 35 years
and still enjoy your music! God Bless.

Name: Margie O
Location: Spring Hill, FL
Submitted: Tue Oct 25 14:27:46 2005 EST
Comments: I was at the 60-Something concert in York, PA on Oct. 22 and really enjoyed your show. I also saw you 5 years ago when you were there. Fantastic voice and show! Hope to see you again.

Name: Ken Long
Location: Lancaster, Pa
Submitted: Mon Oct 24 15:10:55 2005 EST
Comments: Eddie,
Thanks for a great show in York. Pa on October 22 with the Class of 60's Something. Your songs bring back beautiful memories everytime I hear them.

Name: Sue Holmes
Location: York Pa
Submitted: Sun Oct 23 13:33:31 2005 EST


Name: Dan Wolfe
Location: York, PA
Submitted: Wed Oct 5 16:01:44 2005 EST
Comments: Am looking forward to working with you once again at the Class of 60-Somethin

Name: Thea
Location: Atlanta, Ga
Submitted: Wed Sep 14 11:58:28 2005 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie,
I saw you perform on the Zuiderdam a week ago, and I thought you were GREAT! Thanks for sitting down in the chair next to me during the concert, for a perfect photo opportunity! We love you, and God Bless you!

Name: Nancy
Location: Atlanta
Submitted: Tue Sep 13 21:31:34 2005 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie, I met you on the Zuiderdam last week and your concerts were absolutely WONDERFUL! I have to say your voice is NOW so much better than the original recording of Hey There Lonely Girl! I

Name: April Clark
Location: Vaughan, Mississippi
Submitted: Sat Sep 10 12:51:42 2005 EST
Comments: Hi Eddie. This is April, the young lady you met on the Zuiderdam cruise about a week ago along with my cousin Asia. I just came to show you love in you guestbook because you told me to and because I really enjoyed your show on the cruise. Keep doing what you do best and make us music lovers happy.

Name: E. Kane
Location: New York City
Submitted: Sat Aug 13 12:53:40 2005 EST
Comments: Eddie - just heard your classic played once again on XM satellite radio and decided to look you up. What an endlessly beautiful song; never grows old. Your voice is one of my favorites.

Name: Linda Porras
Location: Fontana, CA
Submitted: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 02:29:46 GMT
Comments: Dear Mr. Holman: We were so fortunate to have you perform for us on the MS Oosterdam last week in Alaskan waters. Your show was the highlight of our cruising entertainment experience. Our only despair was that as we stood in line to purchase your CD, we found you had run out of them. We went to purchase the

Name: Mr John Conteh
Location: United Kingdom
Submitted: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 22:09:52 GMT
Comments: Dear Eddie, songs like yours and many other soul singers helped me make it through a rough time in my past life and still do today. Thank you. Regards, John Conteh.

Name: George DeDominicis
Location: Connecticut
Submitted: Sat, 04 Jun 2005 01:31:16 GMT
Comments: Happy Birthday Eddie, All the best and here's a prayer for many more.

Name: www.fabricali.com
Location: The West Coast
Submitted: Wed, 01 Jun 2005 23:04:34 GMT
Comments: Thanks Eddie Holman for your music!!!!!

Name: Bernie O'Brien
Location: Northern Soul Country, UK
Submitted: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 20:39:18 GMT
Comments: Nice web site Eddie, good to hear from you last Sunday, I can't believe it's so long since we last spoke, keep up the good work buddy. My best to you and your family

Name: John
Location: Toledo, Ohio
Submitted: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 15:03:08 GMT
Comments: Caught the show at the Stranahan Theatre and the performance was nothing less than spectacular. It was a privelage and an honor to see a legend. My mother and father were taken back 'to the day' by your songs. Thank you for such a great time.

Name: Stephanie Artiaga
Location: Monclova,OH
Submitted: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 02:19:05 GMT
Comments: I just want to tell you that I saw you at the Stranahan Theater in Toledo,OH on November 13, 2004, and I just want to say how much I enjoyed the show and your performance. If it weren't for my parents I wouldn't enjoy the real heart and soul of doo wop music.

Name: Bernadette Michaux
Location: Toledo, Ohio
Submitted: Sun, 14 Nov 2004 12:51:14 GMT
Comments: Mr. Holman, Really enjoyed your oustanding performance at the Stranahan last night. Your voice is soooooooooooo beautiful. Hope you get back to Toledo someday.

Name: Mike & Viki Quigley
Location: San Lorenzo, CA
Submitted: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 16:25:16 GMT
Comments: Aloha, We had the pleasure of meeting you and yourlovely wife at a luau in Maui. We have since searched for your song

Name: Cheryl Headley
Location: Bronx,NY
Submitted: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 19:00:39 GMT
Comments: Loved your performance at the Beacon Theater in NY on Sept. 18.

Name: Pam Whitehorne
Location: Brockville, Canada
Submitted: Tue, 07 Sep 2004 14:30:41 GMT
Comments: Hi Eddie, We sure did enjoy your performance at the Bonnie Castle...You were great... Pam and Glenn Whitehorne

Name: Stevie Llewellyn-Nash
Location: Coventry, United Kingdom
Submitted: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 10:00:27 GMT
Comments: Hey Eddie! i haven't seen you perform, but i love your song 'Hey there lonely girl' it get's me all the time. I've been trying to get hold of 'Hey there lonely girl', but can't find it anywhere, so if you can email it me that would be wicked. Your a ledge and i love your song's.

Name: frank mariani
Location: elmsford, n.y.
Submitted: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 13:33:35 GMT
Comments: eddie saw you at the oakdale theatre in wallingford and you were great. i could not get over your voice.you have not lost a thing. good luck and hope to see you soon

Name: Anna
Location: North Haven, CT
Submitted: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 01:38:55 GMT
Comments: Great performance last night. Wish this music was available for today's young people. They don't know what they're missing!

Name: Marguerite
Location: Wolcott, Ct.
Submitted: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 22:10:28 GMT
Comments: My husband & I were at The Oakdale in Wallingfor,CT last night. WOW!!!! You were great and sound as you did all those years ago!!! Every Sunday night the radio station in New Haven had a

Name: Mike & Mickey
Location: East Hampton , Long Island
Submitted: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 19:45:19 GMT
Comments: WE saw you at the Oakdale Last Night Eddie! You still got it Eddie ! You were fantastic. Hope to see you again.

Name: Gary & Joan
Location: Danbury, Ct.
Submitted: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 17:13:52 GMT
Comments: Hi Eddie, We had the pleasure to see you last night at Oakdale and were thrilled with your too short but great songs. Thank you for the experience and hope to see and HEAR you again! Take care of that voice!

Name: George DeDominicis
Location: Staffordville CT
Submitted: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 14:39:26 GMT
Comments: I had the honor to see Mr. Holman last night at Oakdale Theater here in CT. He started the night on such a high note, no pun intended, that the rest of the evening pailed. It would have been a supperior show had Mr Holman been allowed to sing more then two songs. However he made my night when I met him at the autograph table and finally had the chance to talk with the man I have admired since

Name: Barry
Submitted: Tue, 03 Aug 2004 11:17:33 GMT
Comments: Welcome to Eddie's guestbook